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The FPS Confessional


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Bagsta - Those were epic fails man.  I was laughing and nodding because I have been there myself.  


I was on Yemen on Blops 2 and this happened to me, not once, but effing twice.  I wish I had the game clip.


So there are the two basic spawns (Corner and Fruits for you call out folks), but at some point there is a spawn that populates inside Shisha (which is across from Rugs and offers an upstairs and downstairs, with one entrance coming from Planks.  Well downstairs, in the corner, is a spawn point right at the arch coming from planks.  Usually a smart player will throw a claymore or betty there to keep it from spawning the other team.  What it DOESN'T do is keep me from spawning there RIGHT as some dude comes flying through with lightweight and engineer, triggers said Betty and kills JUST ME!  


Yes friends.  Not my gear.  Not even on my side of the map.  I spawned and got killed because my own teammates kept booby-trapping the spawn and I had a player run through AS I WAS SPAWNING, trip it and kill just me.  Twice.



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  • 3 months later...

Time to bring back the Confessional.  I see some sins are out there, and we should get them out and talk about them....Or just laugh at them.


I play too much Black Ops 2.  I'm playing now with all my classes devoid of Toughness to get ready for the new game.  That head snap when you get hit sucks, but it is going to be in the next game, so I figured why not work on it now.


Dropped in on a game, which is about 33% of my games to be honest, and the team was on Standoff, which is a great map, but they were getting SLAPPED.  And I don't mean that cute way you slap your girl's bum when she walks by, I'm talking the full monty.  It was something like 46 for the bad guys and my new greenies had like 17.  *sad panda*


What the hell, I don't care about win/loss as I ruined that ions ago, so I throw on Ghost and my perk heavy Sub class and proceed to do some work #DumaArmy stylez.


Now I was running Scavenger (again, no Toughness), but if I see a gun with 2 or 3 attachments, I always pick it up, just in case.  Because it's obviously some tryhard weapon, so I am not leaving it lying there to be used on me....LOL


Got my hands on some kids DSR, with anti-sway CPU and a laser.  I figured I always talk about the snipers in this game, so why not put some money where my mouth is and rack up some kills.  We still got beasted, but I went like 12-1 and had (6) One-Shot-One-Kill medals.


Here's the really bad part.


I kind of liked it.   :huh:


Later on in the same day I dropped into a sniper lobby on Turbine and ended up forcing a couple of rage quits using a sniper class of my own.  I actually Tweeted the pic to @Netduma with my settings because we finished like 72-67 with a "win" but when I showed up they were losing like 19-9.  That sniper rifle class is absolutely silly.


So I am trying not to get sucked into the Aim Assist vortex of Sniping in Call of Duty.   :ph34r:


I fear the darkness My Friends.....

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Thats OK Dilli boy, we will just send Fuzzy round to knock it out of you :) lol

Seriously though if I didn't have bad luck I'd have none at all. If you want to learn a new expletive or 2 just join my lobby. Some of my friends literaly die laughing at my ranting.

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Thats OK Dilli boy, we will just send Fuzzy round to knock it out of you :) lol

Seriously though if I didn't have bad luck I'd have none at all. If you want to learn a new expletive or 2 just join my lobby. Some of my friends literaly die laughing at my ranting.


I have been told a couple of times I sound like a tourettes patient, so I think we learned to game in the same training ground. :D

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NO,NO,NO bad JD no liking sniping no matter how much it seems to appeal to you,it is the devil... ;)


And if you guys want to laugh at some one ranting over the mic,I'm your guy.For some reason COD makes me string together words that no one would ever put together in the same sentence.People just laughing their asses of in the lobby and these were the guys on the other team.

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NO,NO,NO bad JD no liking sniping no matter how much it seems to appeal to you,it is the devil... ;)


And if you guys want to laugh at some one ranting over the mic,I'm your guy.For some reason COD makes me string together words that no one would ever put together in the same sentence.People just laughing their asses of in the lobby and these were the guys on the other team.

Oh I hear ya buddy boy, I think we should arrange a night and make a private room for chat too. LOL. We could cuss and discuss all sorts of things and give our opinions!!!! bags me n Dilli go first lol ;)

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Im in the UK but usually stay up quite late or can set my alarm as I am semi retired these days. :) Most nights I am gaming with a friend from Connecticut and sometimes Vancouver so I am OK with the time differences :)

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It is the end of my work day and I am waiting on some final inputs, so I can leave.  So I start reading these threads.  This thread had me laughing all the way through it.  I can completely sympathize with all of these.


Don't forget calling in a bombing run only to forget where you called it in and starting running to get away only to discover I ran the wrong way.  


Set claymore on map, go on a long streak killing enemies around the map and forgot that my claymore was there only to blow myself up.


Cooking a grenade too long.


Not paying attention to the clock/score and calling in a score streak with only seconds left before half time.  

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Ouch calling in the warbird with 10 seconds left!!!!! DOH!!!!!

Yup been there done that... :D


And still lay down the worst bombing runs in COD history,it looks great when I put it down all I see are red triangles.Then for some reason I don't hit shit with it and the only person I kill is myself.Which again has my friends laughing at me,if I don't hide inside I'll die every time... :angry:

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  • 3 months later...

Reviving this as I know this weekend will lead to some good stories.  :D


The Specialist with the war machine.  That tough chick with the blonde hair and the cigar?  Man, she gets me killed damn near every time I get that stupid thing out.  I either get shot dead waiting for the cylinder to spin into position so I can actually fire, or I rebound a shot of a wall and kill myself, or I shot a guy too close and kill both of us.


I bet I can count on one hand the number of successful times I have emptied that damn thing and NOT killed myself.


I'm JD and I'm not allowed to use the War Machine anymore.  Because I suck with it.  


That is all.....

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I can't rememeber if it happened more than once but maybe.


I can remember this one time where I was using an LMG in GHOSTS I beleive.


I came accross the enemy and we started shooting and I was out of bullets. (previous battle had me low)


Trying to knife them and missing and they started to try and knife me too.


I couldnt reload because I was trying to avoid this player.


We were going around in circles because there was no real cover for where we were.


I guess he was out of ammo too but in the end he knifed me.


I felt like the biggest NOOB ever because I couldnt kill him when I should have.


Picture me dancing around this guy trying to knife him and reload at the same time, then him doing the same thing for about 5-8 seconds.

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^^^^LMAO!!  Been there man, a time of 20....LOL


I was on Yemen one time in BO2.  I have a special relationship with that shitty map as it was the first ever multiplayer game I joined, in progress, and went 0-7 before rage quitting out.  I swore to get better at that stupid game and I was going to own that map.


So this was about 2 months before the BO3 Beta, so only the real fans of the series were playing it.  I'm controlling the top fruit spawn with my m27 (I think) and I ran out of ammo.  I got to pick up an smg from a guy, but I grabbed a sniper rifle instead JUST as a dude comes charging up the hill from treehouse.  I duck behind fruit and am trying to get an angle (I can snipe, but I suck at it).  I get off like 3 attempted quick scopes on this guy (all miss, because well, I don't think I ever hit one) and he is jumping around like a bunny trying to Remington me, but missing.


We both hit empty and the next, seemingly, 30 minutes were a

of us running at each other with a butter knife and wildly slashing the air.  


Of course I ended up getting shanked, but that is par for the course sometimes....LOL

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^^^^LMAO!! Been there man, a time of 20....LOL


I was on Yemen one time in BO2. I have a special relationship with that shitty map as it was the first ever multiplayer game I joined, in progress, and went 0-7 before rage quitting out. I swore to get better at that stupid game and I was going to own that map.


So this was about 2 months before the BO3 Beta, so only the real fans of the series were playing it. I'm controlling the top fruit spawn with my m27 (I think) and I ran out of ammo. I got to pick up an smg from a guy, but I grabbed a sniper rifle instead JUST as a dude comes charging up the hill from treehouse. I duck behind fruit and am trying to get an angle (I can snipe, but I suck at it). I get off like 3 attempted quick scopes on this guy (all miss, because well, I don't think I ever hit one) and he is jumping around like a bunny trying to Remington me, but missing.


We both hit empty and the next, seemingly, 30 minutes were a

of us running at each other with a butter knife and wildly slashing the air.


Of course I ended up getting shanked, but that is par for the course sometimes....LOL

That was a fun map. The first time I called in a care package by the Cliffside near the water it fell down the hill. And those ledges on the one side of the map? Painful.

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ive died to a lot of very very strange things in games and did put some of them into outtake videos

some of those are really embarrassing lol


i think everyone knows those moments, i dont think they are specific to a certain skillgroup :P

if anything there are people who prented to not have experienced stuff like that ;)


2014 fails


2013 fails

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^^^  LMAO!!


Od1n, those are some great clips man!  I want one of those kneeling, mini bikes those guys had for zipping around the map while crouched, that would be cool.  :D

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