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Can somebody please explain stealth mode

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Can somebody please explain stealth mode. OK here's my situation, every since I started using stealth mode two months ago it seems like that I am in front of everybody and not behind anymore I've done this test several times. I've had this router for over a year and a half and struggle with getting the connection right and finally when I start using stealth mode it feels like it's back to regular call the duty before all this lag compensation. I now drop consistent 30 and 40 bomb games and even against other player with high KDR, I still remain over 2.0 KD ratio. What exactly does it do to the packets ? Would like some feedback from everyone and their experience with stealth mode and if someone in here is very knowledgeable and technical in this field please explain ?

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I thought stealth mode was for if someone tries to ping your router they are not able to.  other routers that call it anonymousness ping requests but even with Stealth mode enabled my Duma still responds to anonymousness ping requests.

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I thought stealth mode was for if someone tries to ping your router they are not able to. other routers that call it anonymousness ping requests but even with Stealth mode enabled my Duma still responds to anonymousness ping requests.

Oh like block ICMP request settings?

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I've tried stealth mode once but it never affected performance in game. I wish I could find some kind of magic button.


Jitter-less 7ms to my local server whenever I play and my bullets lag audibly and visibly while hexagon potatoes windmill and hit thin air around me lmao

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Can somebody please explain stealth mode. OK here's my situation, every since I started using stealth mode two months ago it seems like that I am in front of everybody and not behind anymore I've done this test several times. I've had this router for over a year and a half and struggle with getting the connection right and finally when I start using stealth mode it feels like it's back to regular call the duty before all this lag compensation. I now drop consistent 30 and 40 bomb games and even against other player with high KDR, I still remain over 2.0 KD ratio. What exactly does it do to the packets ? Would like some feedback from everyone and their experience with stealth mode and if someone in here is very knowledgeable and technical in this field please explain ?

Stealth Mode

Stealth mode blocks outgoing ICMP unreachable and TCP reset messages for a port when nothing is listening on that port. Can prevent would be attackers from gaining information about your network that they could use for malicious purposes.



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As above ^ 


Is there any information on Duma os whether or not this feature will still be available? I'm hoping they will not take it out.


It's such a minor feature that it hasn't come up. For security purposes I'm sure it will be included.

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As above ^ 



It's such a minor feature that it hasn't come up. For security purposes I'm sure it will be included.

Is there a reason the Duma still responds to ICMP anonymous requests with stealth mode enabled?  I do not think the Duma can be very stealthy if it still responds to png requests...

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As far as I know unwanted packages are either DROPed or REJECTed.

A DROP command gets rid of the package quitely.

A REJECT command drops a package but returns "icmp-port-unreachable"

I cannot see how the above can affect gameplay.


COD has a magical and mystical way to treat us placebo pills.

Trying to improve a connection when a game behaves that way is like chasing a Utopia.

But we all love chasing our Utopias. Aren't we? :)


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Is there a reason the Duma still responds to ICMP anonymous requests with stealth mode enabled?  I do not think the Duma can be very stealthy if it still responds to png requests...


I imagine if you're using a router before the Netduma that is probably why

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I imagine if you're using a router before the Netduma that is probably why

Nope, just the duma connected to my modem and every device goes through the duma. I have stealth mode enabled and it still responds to anonymous ping requests.

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Is it ping requests or port scans?

Ping requests, the normal fire wall takes care of port scans. Ports show stealth with or without stealth mode enabled using grc online port scanner.
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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old post, but it’s still good information.

You don’t want to block ICMP, generally, it’s the Internet’s builtin comprehensive control and diagnostic protocol suite.

What I’m about to say is extremely simplified.  99% of nefarious stuff that happens in games is dos or ddos based.  Done correctly, a dos cascades and snowballs, leveraging YOUR equipment against you.  If not properly setup to handle this, it can take an hour or so for things to calm down.  Stealth mode goes a LLOONNGG way to tuning iptables to properly deal with dos/ddos attempts AND  minimize its involvement or participation in one, should one breakout somewhere.

I’ve not seen the actual rules...but it’s a good setting, everyone should use it.

And a dos can be as simple as asking your router what time it is (and even if your router responds “I don’t know”) repeatedly and as fast as the attacking computer can crank out packets.  The moment the link reaches capacity from the sheer number of “what time is it” and “I don’t know” packets in play, it becomes a dos.

This as a ddos would simply be many attacking computers asking your router what time it is.

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