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Netduma doesn't work

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I have the netduma now for about 3 days and it doesn't work for me. I bought this router to play infinite warfare because i was sick of shoot first die first. Well, i have it now too. I tought i'm going to play a little better but no, still people kill me before i just see them, hitmarkerd dont register etc,.. i still rage the same before the netduma. I'm not a bad player with 2.1 kd but today i have had 5 matches were i sweat like a monkey to get a 1.3 kd with players that barely have a 1kd. I tought the duma was going to give me fairer matches and a stabile connection.


Yes the lag is gone were i before had an issue with sometimes but that's it.. if i see my duma give me always matches <500km and <38 ping.


Thinking about a refund if possible, your product works statisticly with me if i see geofilter but it wasn't the purpose why i bought it.

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The R1 can only manage your home's network.  There is nothing it can do about the crappy internet the other people in the same lobby as you are in.  The R1 stops lag caused by other people in your house using all of your bandwidth which causes a back up of packets at the router/modem.  The geofilter keeps you from connecting to  dedicated servers or hosts which are too far away from you to provide a good stable ping.  Those 2 services really help, but like I said...the R1 can't do anything about players with crap internet, or from far far away connecting to the same server you're on.


What is your paid for bandwidth?  what do you set your congestion control sliders to? do you use Hyper-Traffic?  How many people are in your house using the internet while you are gaming?  Are you playing through wi-fi or a hard wired connection?


It takes a bit of advice and trial and error to get the best R1 set up for an individual.

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I pay €48/month for internet the package is 100mbps down and 15mpbs up. Congestion control is 70/70 with hypertraffic indeed, ping assist 30. I have a powerline adapter to my playstation upstairs. The only thing that is connected to the internet is the digital tv. The rest of devices are connected with wifi

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Ok cool.  Are you using the Reactive Algorithm?  That's the recommended setting for your bandwidth.   As far as using powerline adapters,  a lot of people say they aren't the greatest for reliable lag free gaming, but I have never used them. I can't say anything one way or the other about them.  Do you have the wifi turned off on your ISP Router / Modem?  You definitely want all of your internet traffic to go through the R1 before it gets to your ISP modem for congestion control to work the best.  If these things don't help, you could put your R1 into the DMZ of your ISP router.


People using your house's wifi are still using your gaming bandwidth.  Do you have a bunch of people in your house using the internet when you get the worst lag?


Just as an example: here is my set up which works amazingly well. I pay for 50/50 from the ISP. Preemptive Algorithm, Congestion controls at 70/70, Hyper traffic enabled for my console. I don't use the geofilter very often, but when I do; I set my home location in the middle of the Atlantic ocean at 69 miles circumference and Ping assist set to 35ms.  This makes it so I am connecting to lobbies based off of ping only and not distance. Strict mode off.


I have my R1 to my ONT  ( box which converts fiber optic from the street to electrical signals for transmission inside the house and vise-versa) I have the wifi on the R1 Off. connected to my R1: I have a Netgear router in AP mode. That's where I get my wifi from.  I get 2.4 and wifi by doing this.  I have an ethernet switch from the R1 to my office/mancave.  This allows me to have wired gaming on the XB1.  My wife has a cable from her computer to the R1.  Everything else in the house is connected to the Netgear router either by cable of wifi.  This system works really well.  I have well over 30 devices connected to my home internet. However not all are active all the time.

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Yes the lag is gone were i before had an issue with sometimes but that's it.. if i see my duma give me always matches <500km and <38 ping.


Then it works fine. The problem is the game.

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How do i turn off the wifi of the duma? I have wifi at my isp modem so basically don't need it from the netduma then? And going to trybthat DMZ thing tonight will it make a big difference?


Settings > WiFi and disable. What he is saying is that his setup is like this ONT > R1 (WiFi off) > Netgear (AP mode) etc, everything is still connected to the R1 so congestion control can work effectively. I would recommend putting your ISP hub in modem mode or putting the R1 in its DMZ.


And no i have pre emptive selected


Reactive would be best for your speeds. 




It sounds like the router is working as it should. Decent ping. If it makes you feel better I am happy to do a 1 on 1 with you to optimise your settings.


Post in the 1 on 1 section: http://forum.netduma.com/forum/66-request-1-on-1/and I will have a look. Please note I need around a days notice.


Please read this first before making the post: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/11450-read-before-posting-a-1-on-1-request/

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