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  • Netduma Staff

Is the red spiking device the Xbox? Depending on your speeds, this is more likely a graphical / detection issue rather than what is actually happening with the bandwidth. What are your speeds?

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Is the red spiking device the Xbox? Depending on your speeds, this is more likely a graphical / detection issue rather than what is actually happening with the bandwidth. What are your speeds?


I did have Xbox one and also my PC on. Im on 200 down 12 up

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I did have Xbox one and also my PC on. Im on 200 down 12 up


That speed looks familiar, are you with Virgin ? If you are, thats almost guaranteed to be the reason for the spiking...

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  • Administrators

When doing downloads on the PS4 I too noticed that it spiked quite a lot, I don't know why it does this but I wouldn't be alarmed as I doubt this caused any actual fluctuations. Mine usually did this when I started and stopped the download.

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