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Greedy TV took all my IPs

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Not sure what's going on here, I've seen it a few times before but now it's happening every day and it's winding me right up.


It's been happening every day since I connected up the new 'smart' tv in the lounge.

The thing takes loads of IPs, it's connected by wifi only.


As you can see in the second image, I can't see what's what and I like to block things.

I have bandwidth megalomania and this is some kind of 'device revolt' against me.

Image 2 is zoomed right out in Chrome and you can see that it still doesn't reveal what the devices are.


It's probably simple but then so am I.

Someone please enlighten me before I kill/smash.







edit - it shows it's blocked in the images but it isn't now and it's still misbehaving.

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Give it a static IP to block it outright.


DHCP is handing out a new IP for it at the moment.


Or turn off WiFI on the TV itself would make the most sense you simpleton.

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I'll try giving it a static IP, hopefully that keeps it under control.


It won't be any good if I have to go through the settings on the tv every time someone wants to watch 'on demand' or every time I want to play Xbox though.


Any ideas why it's doing it though?

I've set the DHCP lease at a week so it shouldn't take 20 IPs a day and hold them until I reboot the Netduma.

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