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Can I block certain areas/cities?

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I'm interested in buying this router. However, I'd like to know how capable the geo-filter feature is. I'm in upper California. Am I able to block, for example, hosts/connections from Los Angeles, or Oregon? Can I block whole swathes of my country?

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U can block servers but it's only for 5 mins. That's it block people but no id's, psn, anything linked to the connection you see without 3rd party software. Which is free but netduma sees it as exploit targeting privacy. Tho netduma os based off open... Funny. We wait till netduma fully uses the geo filter. Kinda feel conned like few ppl have stated on here netduma works. Yes. Geo filter. Extremely lagging in customizable features. It's a gets you by feel. That's all. Gets you close server. That's all. Causes more trouble if I play in party's. It's a nightmare honestly. But once you figure it out. Works. Jus lacking..... Waiting to see when they done with the network monitor update....

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U can block servers but it's only for 5 mins. That's it block people but no id's, psn, anything linked to the connection you see without 3rd party software. Which is free but netduma sees it as exploit targeting privacy. Tho netduma os based off open... Funny. We wait till netduma fully uses the geo filter. Kinda feel conned like few ppl have stated on here netduma works. Yes. Geo filter. Extremely lagging in customizable features. It's a gets you by feel. That's all. Gets you close server. That's all. Causes more trouble if I play in party's. It's a nightmare honestly. But once you figure it out. Works. Jus lacking..... Waiting to see when they done with the network monitor update....

Huh? So you can only block servers temporarily for 5 minutes? Is that really true? After 5 minutes, the block is removed?


Some Netduma representative told me one time that you can restrict all connections to your country only. So, since I live in the US, I can block all Mexican, European, or Canadian connections. Which is great, but I wish for polygon blocking, like the earlier poster said.

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Huh? So you can only block servers temporarily for 5 minutes? Is that really true? After 5 minutes, the block is removed?


Some Netduma representative told me one time that you can restrict all connections to your country only. So, since I live in the US, I can block all Mexican, European, or Canadian connections. Which is great, but I wish for polygon blocking, like the earlier poster said.


You can do that, you can place your location where you want and set the distance around you that you want to allow connections within.


The temporary ban is for dedicated servers that may be in your radius but don't play well. So instead of moving your location around you can temporarily ban it so that when you search again you don't get connected to it even though it's in your radius.


Can I at least place the geo-filter sphere in a custom location?


For example, instead of placing the geo-filter right on top of my location in California, I place it in Texas or New York?


Yes you can do that very easily if you want to.


U can block servers but it's only for 5 mins. That's it block people but no id's, psn, anything linked to the connection you see without 3rd party software. Which is free but netduma sees it as exploit targeting privacy. Tho netduma os based off open... Funny. We wait till netduma fully uses the geo filter. Kinda feel conned like few ppl have stated on here netduma works. Yes. Geo filter. Extremely lagging in customizable features. It's a gets you by feel. That's all. Gets you close server. That's all. Causes more trouble if I play in party's. It's a nightmare honestly. But once you figure it out. Works. Jus lacking..... Waiting to see when they done with the network monitor update....


That is pretty misleading. That makes it sound like all you can do is block servers for 5 minutes which you know is not the case. What customisable features do you feel are missing? 

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Was told temp ban lasts 5mins? Am I wrong? This was posted a few times. If it lasts longer id like to know. From my experience. Southern Illinois has n server and it's garbage, I prefer Chicago. It randomly likes to pop back in even tho I temp ban it. .

Other features I stated in past. Graph to match geo filter circles. To ban ppl with Shitty connection.

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Was told temp ban lasts 5mins? Am I wrong? This was posted a few times. If it lasts longer id like to know. From my experience. Southern Illinois has n server and it's garbage, I prefer Chicago. It randomly likes to pop back in even tho I temp ban it. .

Other features I stated in past. Graph to match geo filter circles. To ban ppl with Shitty connection.

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  • Netduma Staff

The Geofilter effectively blocks hosts which will give you a bad connection. Selecting a radius will block anything outside; and combining this with Ping Assist will give you full control over where your hosts are located. Blocking hosts for 5 minutes is a separate feature called Temp Ban, which allows you to temporarily ban dedicated servers; allowing you to find better connections elsewhere.


Polygon blocking might end up becoming a feature in the future; but for now you can block using a circle radius amongst other controls. Let us know if you have any further questions :)

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Wow, feelinh the same sentiments as others with this router. I am finding otu that although the router has very good marketing and looks appealing , its somewhat misleading. From what I understand the geo filter only works when you are host of the party not when you join others game. So, if you want it to work you have to create parties and games. Also, my geo filtering seems to be off. I was in a party with somebody from the Uk and they were not showing on my map. They could see me but i could not see them.  At the same time, my geo filter was not ticked (red box unchecked) but i was still seeing the triangle diagram flash(host filter outside range  which was only 500 miles away from me. i had the filter at 1300 miles but geo was turned off. So, am i totally missing something here.... if the geo-filter in is unticked , i am not supposed to see anything? When i ticked it , i still did not see the guy in the uk. i refreshed and everything and saw nothing. On top of this , i was being matched with people in Quebec , Canada several times and i had geo-filter on . I even tried strick  mode and i was matched with the same guy as well as someone from the Uk. I  thought the purpose of this was so that we dont have to match with others from so far away?   Its also kinda of hard to tell who is lagging or has a high ping  when you are playing. You have to run to laptop or cpu and try to find the red barring guy with the bad ping which could be any of the 12 red circles on the map. Sometimes as i said before all the people in the game dont even show up. Am i misunderstanding the purposes of this? It appears this game is not meant for Destiny from reading around. 

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Wow, feelinh the same sentiments as others with this router. I am finding otu that although the router has very good marketing and looks appealing , its somewhat misleading. From what I understand the geo filter only works when you are host of the party not when you join others game. So, if you want it to work you have to create parties and games. Also, my geo filtering seems to be off. I was in a party with somebody from the Uk and they were not showing on my map. They could see me but i could not see them.  At the same time, my geo filter was not ticked (red box unchecked) but i was still seeing the triangle diagram flash(host filter outside range  which was only 500 miles away from me. i had the filter at 1300 miles but geo was turned off. So, am i totally missing something here.... if the geo-filter in is unticked , i am not supposed to see anything? When i ticked it , i still did not see the guy in the uk. i refreshed and everything and saw nothing. On top of this , i was being matched with people in Quebec , Canada several times and i had geo-filter on . I even tried strick  mode and i was matched with the same guy as well as someone from the Uk. I  thought the purpose of this was so that we dont have to match with others from so far away?   Its also kinda of hard to tell who is lagging or has a high ping  when you are playing. You have to run to laptop or cpu and try to find the red barring guy with the bad ping which could be any of the 12 red circles on the map. Sometimes as i said before all the people in the game dont even show up. Am i misunderstanding the purposes of this? It appears this game is not meant for Destiny from reading around. 


When you join someone else's game it's impossible to impose restrictions on them like that. You will need to add your friend to the allow list - http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000022357--with-the-geo-filter-how-do-i-play-with-friends-if you could not see them then it sounds like you were zoomed in and they were incorrectly located on the map. Did you definitely have the right device unticked and you didn't have the same device in a different slot but with a different service? 


You will need to look at what anti-cheat does as it sounds as though you're experiencing that - http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000024118-anti-cheat


With the way that Destiny works it uses a hybrid system. When you block someone outside your radius the game will make you connect to a dedicated server so that those blocked can still connect. You will still have the advantage as the dedicated server will be closer to you than them. If there are some connected to a dedicated server you may not see the individual circles/them appearing in peer ping. 


Clicking on peer ping to identify & then block them has been a highly requested feature and thus most likely will be apart of the new upgrade.

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I'm a California resident, and I own a Netduma Router, I live in central california, and I set my location to L.A. and set the radius just enough to capture the dedicated servers located there. I also sometimes will set my location in the middle of the pacific with the lowest radius, and set Ping assist to 40, and I get good games, but sometimes it takes a little longer to find a full lobby. I set my Duma up exactly as per the moderators suggestions. All devices connected to the net duma. I have 95% lag free games, and COD is now actually an enjoyable experience for me. Once you get it set up correctly and find a good dedicated server to camp, you will have good games. IN the end Blops3 is a pretty Whack ass game, and some of the WTF moments are unfixable no matter what you do, I'm hoping IW puts out a stable game for us this time around, as much as people hated ghosts, hit detection was spot on, and not much lag for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After using the router a bit, we need better control over blocking areas. Finer control, such as blocking off multiple radii of the map. If I'm in Colorado, and want to play with a buddy in Chicago, I want the ability to filter hosts that are ONLY near either Colorado or Chicago, for example.


Even blocking by country would be a nice addition.

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In that example I would put your home location between Colorado & Chicago so the game is more fair for the both of you.

I understand you can do a wide, circular filter like you mention. But I want finer control, with the ability to (polygon) block different areas of the country.


For example, if I'm in California, and I want to play with a friend in Indiana, I don't want to include ALL the area in between.


Having the ability to set TWO different circular filters... one around California, and one around Indiana... would solve this issue.

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  • Netduma Staff

You can add your friends to the "Allow" list, which will give you that solution. Doing so will allow them through the filter radius; so adding your friends will always make you always able to connect to them.


Polygon filtering is a popular idea though; and it's been taken on board. Let me know if that solves your issue :)

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This thing is useless garbage for Destiny.


No matter what, I keep connecting to this garbage dedicated server that's far away from me, and puts me at a disadvantage connection-wise compared to everyone else. Then if I set the Host Filter to Strict Mode to filter out or ban the server, I get disconnected out of games.


Time to return this thing, because it serves absolutely no purpose for me.

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This thing is useless garbage for Destiny.


No matter what, I keep connecting to this garbage dedicated server that's far away from me, and puts me at a disadvantage connection-wise compared to everyone else. Then if I set the Host Filter to Strict Mode to filter out or ban the server, I get disconnected out of games.


Time to return this thing, because it serves absolutely no purpose for me.

Yeah, i felt the same way. It is def not meant for Destiny at this time.  COD and other games you benefit the most. Destiny , no so much. Although, i do set my distance no more then 1300 miles and it sems to work better. The biggest thing is i think ... you still cant detect who is pinging so hard. I have to run back to my imac and wait to find the 150ms ping and rate them low. Then , i have to  make sure the person i rated low was the one that had bad connection. So confusing with 16 different circles bunched all up. Would i buy again or recommend for a Destiny player? No. i can see its benefits but just not for Destiny. I hardly have it turned on anymore. Also, you are correct about tthe strict mode. Whats the point of having it on wehn you are going to get booted 90% of the time from a game. I still really do not know what that thing is supposed to accomplish. There are so really good people on here who will help you .  

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There is ppl who help but in all honesty geo filter is amazing for cod. If I didn't play cod. I would have never bought the router. Cod and netduma shine when together. Other than that. Usb doesn't work. Wireless is OK but not awesome. But the routers with amazing wireless are 400 plus. So u can get an ac pro for 90 bucks and still come out cheaper with access point. . Hopefully the new OS when it comes will benefit features missing in geo as click able graph for circles. Fraser said this will be in next update for sure..... So far the geo filter is a Tease. Yes I can see what server and ppl I play with, netduma person must be host to benefit. Other than that their are much better routers out there no doubt. But this is the only router that helps cod lag comp and ping. Which is probably 95% if not 99 reason why they by this. Cod not destiny.

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This thing is useless garbage for Destiny.


No matter what, I keep connecting to this garbage dedicated server that's far away from me, and puts me at a disadvantage connection-wise compared to everyone else. Then if I set the Host Filter to Strict Mode to filter out or ban the server, I get disconnected out of games.


Time to return this thing, because it serves absolutely no purpose for me.


Great thanks for your feedback. I would recommend creating a thread detailing your issues considering you have just got it and it is highly likely you do not have it setup correctly. We will be happy to assist you.


Yeah, i felt the same way. It is def not meant for Destiny at this time.  COD and other games you benefit the most. Destiny , no so much. Although, i do set my distance no more then 1300 miles and it sems to work better. The biggest thing is i think ... you still cant detect who is pinging so hard. I have to run back to my imac and wait to find the 150ms ping and rate them low. Then , i have to  make sure the person i rated low was the one that had bad connection. So confusing with 16 different circles bunched all up. Would i buy again or recommend for a Destiny player? No. i can see its benefits but just not for Destiny. I hardly have it turned on anymore. Also, you are correct about tthe strict mode. Whats the point of having it on wehn you are going to get booted 90% of the time from a game. I still really do not know what that thing is supposed to accomplish. There are so really good people on here who will help you .  


As said many times previously that feature will be in the new upgrade. We never recommend having strict on for Destiny for that very reason. If you want to make a post regarding your issues please do and will be happy to assist.

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