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dedis disappearing

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Having a lot of issues lately with dedis. The virginia server is constatntly disappearing this and the cali dedi are the only 2 that I can connect to. does the cloud need to be updated? last month avg ping to virginia dedi is 25 its now 40


Same thing has happened in Europe, my ping has increased from 22ms to 37ms and the Irish dedis seem to disappear frequently.

BO3 is just playing horribly now nearly all of the time. Maybe 1 game in 10 plays ok (tested my line thoroughly, my internet is perfectly fine).

I don't think this is a cloud update issue. I think this is just the death-throws as the game reaches the end of it's surprisingly short life.

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I also am recently having issues within the past week or so. I'm running the COD extreme profile with Ping 30. Used to I'd match in seconds where now it never does. I've noticed the ATL dedicated server doesn't show anymore and I'm located closest to it. Any connection?

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I also am recently having issues within the past week or so. I'm running the COD extreme profile with Ping 30. Used to I'd match in seconds where now it never does. I've noticed the ATL dedicated server doesn't show anymore and I'm located closest to it. Any connection?


What is your base ping? It is possible that this has changed and you'll need to up the PA limit. 


If you place your home over it with PA 0 & strict on can you force that server?

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  • Administrators

How big is your radius? It should be around 1000km. You should be on auto&bleeding edge cloud, if you are already just click apply to reflush the cloud.


Hard turn off the console and have your Geo-filter settings set and then load up the game and try please.

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How big is your radius? It should be around 1000km. You should be on auto&bleeding edge cloud, if you are already just click apply to reflush the cloud.


Hard turn off the console and have your Geo-filter settings set and then load up the game and try please.

I've flushed cloud as I've read in other threads. Again, I used the Profile COD Extreme which is like 50mi and have so for the past 8-10 months with no issues. I set PA30 and its worked like a charm. No settings have changed since this issue started about 2 weeks ago

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  • Netduma Staff

If the Netduma can't find those dedicated servers, it's possible that the servers themselves have changed. We're always vigilant for changes in game servers. The other possibility is that something has changed with your connection; which can happen without you changing settings. The Geofilter is the limiting factor for connecting to servers; nothing else. What servers can you connect to? What changes when you edit the Geofilter settings?

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  • 1 month later...
  • Netduma Staff

Try doing an Internet Diagnosis and seeing what your base ping is. Something has potentially changed with your connection to mean that your ping is higher than usual; though 50ms should still give you good results. We usually recommend 60ms on the PA.

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I ran into this similar issue with the Infinite Warfare beta this weekend.  I live in Houston, TX and have my Geo Filter set to ~620 miles (1000 km) and PA set to 60ms.  At times the game would connect me to the server located in New Jersey on the East Coast or Washington on the West Coast and then sometimes to the Dallas server in my home state.  So then I tried to turn Strict Mode on to force connection only to the Dallas server but for some reason even with Strict Mode on, I actually got connected to the servers outside of my Geo-Filter radius and never saw the Dallas server once on this past Sunday.  I'm just curious as to why that might be the cause.


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I ran into this similar issue with the Infinite Warfare beta this weekend.  I live in Houston, TX and have my Geo Filter set to ~620 miles (1000 km) and PA set to 60ms.  At times the game would connect me to the server located in New Jersey on the East Coast or Washington on the West Coast and then sometimes to the Dallas server in my home state.  So then I tried to turn Strict Mode on to force connection only to the Dallas server but for some reason even with Strict Mode on, I actually got connected to the servers outside of my Geo-Filter radius and never saw the Dallas server once on this past Sunday.  I'm just curious as to why that might be the cause.



With PA set to anything but 0 you will always connect outside the GF no matter what, even with strict mode on.

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