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Destiny feeling off this IB

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I would try the Destiny specific profile that Netduma has created and also go into settings>misc and press apply the cloud settings.  Sometimes the settings have to be flushed. 

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That seemed to do the trick - thanks!

I would try the Destiny specific profile that Netduma has created and also go into settings>misc and press apply the cloud settings.  Sometimes the settings have to be flushed. 

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Played Iron Banner for several hours last night. My Geo-filter blocks all shit connections to me, thus improving the lobby for everyone.


A mate of mine 900kms away joins my Fireteam specifically because we get such great connections through the R1. I set my radius to 1000km and hit-boxes were crispy. In maybe 3 games out of 20, one guy red-barred, I could see what was going on with that connection and jumped lobby to avoid the same outcome.


In short, NetDuma does a bang-up job for Destiny, just play with the Geo-filter to find the right balance between filling a lobby and ensuring all connections are good. If the Geo-filter isn't finding enough players, I extend it far enough that the lobby will fill within a minute. Having that level of control is incredible and proves the R1 is working for Destiny.

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In general I agree, but I am now constantly getting connected to dedi's all over Europe (I am in the central US) which defeats the whole purpose of the geo fence. 

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Tried to tell u guys! The netduma doesn't work w/ destiny anymore. They take out sbmm, then back to having fun. Hope the duma fam can check 5the cloud soon? Tired of asking

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Matchmaking seemed ok, but damn red bars, bending bullets for about most of the day yesterday, i couldn't get a lobby without a red/yellowbar, and of course once that started, we all suffer, starts off with one red bar then the whole lobby started fluctuating. But this is Destiny matchmaking, or people playing on a really bad connection.

Cant see how this is the Dumas fault , what i dont understand is how they can get into my games as such, geo on ping set0, Strict unticked etc.

But again most if not all of this is Destiny and its awful matchmaking . If your a red bar continously you should be kicked out of the game, but then youd have no lobby hardley haha.

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Of course its always work in progress, example again in matchmaking last night, had about six blocked triangles, all trying to be match made in the game.. Then went to red circles and nothing else.. game starts with a red circle in the east coast of USA and this one game was real laggy.

Im assuming we played six Americans which is so odd, this happens after you cant find any uk matchmaking? Which again is Bungie, cant tell me only 12players in the uk where playing.

Im thinking we were forced almost to play anyone anywhere to speed up matchmaking? But i personally would have liked to waited, but did Duma or destiny allow this? Would of thought its Destiny.

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I'm willing to help out forsure.  I have thousands of hours logged in Destiny,  I live in Canada and just bought a Duma should have it in a couple of days.  


I would love to help "fix" the Destiny Crucible for the people with Duma. 



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I need to think about how I will present it as it contains more sensitive information than I realised. I will more than likely start a thread this week and PM it to a select number of people who are willing to help. 

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I had a feeling you would need some personal info like IPs and so on that posting on a forum would not be good practice. I have a background in Networking, Troubleshooting, and programming so feel free to PM me anything that you need. I would love to help out.



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I had a feeling you would need some personal info like IPs and so on that posting on a forum would not be good practice. I have a background in Networking, Troubleshooting, and programming so feel free to PM me anything that you need. I would love to help out.




Thanks a lot, appreciate the offer :)

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