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NetDuma not pulling right speeds

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So I just got new Internet installed today. I have 300/30 through cox. My modem is a modem/router combo. I also have the NetDuma wired directly to the cox router/modem. If I connect a ethernet cable from the cox modem into my computer I pull 360/38 mbps. However if I run an ethernet cable from my NetDuma to my computer I only get 60/34 mbps. Something is causing the netduma to lose speed but I don't know what. Has anyone had a similar issue or know how I fix this?

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If you are on the latest firmware 1.03.6 then you can enter your speeds in to the congestion control and press yes to auto set up


or http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_lower&s[]


or the new knowledge base http://support.netduma.com/support/search?term=speed&authenticity_token=oi0sz0q21H0y1WZgYvceh9TpGt59pm5NCE0IEu9XzIg%3D

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I just tried everything in that post however I could not enable turbo boost. I went to settings - Misc. & I did not see that option listed anywhere. I even checked to see if I needed to upgrade the firmware and it says that I'm on the latest version. So at this point I'm not sure what I could do. 


When I connect via COX Modem/Router Combo I get over 300/30. When I connect to NetDuma I now get about 120/36.


Any help would be awesome. 

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Also, in 'Congestion Control':

Select 'Reactive' algorithm.

Set 'Anti-Flood' sliders to 100%/100%


Reset 'Device Prioritisation', make sure 'Shared' is checked for Upload and Download.

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  • Netduma Staff

Do as ColonicBoom just stated above; and also disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN and Misc, disable "Deep Packet Processing" in Misc, and ensure that you try different ports on the Netduma and have an ethernet that can handle your speeds. If none of that works, we'll get into more complex solutions.

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I managed to fix this issue. Thank you to all that helped. It was actually a very easy fix. Every time I searched for an update through the firmware, I was told the version I was running was up to date. I found out that the latest version was 1.03.6 & I was running the older version of 1.03.4. So I did a manual update, changed my settings, and enabled turbo mode. My speeds immediately increased from 90 MBPS to the 300+ MBPS I was paying for. 


Updating my firmware also fixed an issue I was experiencing with EA servers on XboxOne. For the longest time I couldn't play any EA games online (Battlefield, UFC, Madden). I decided to give these games a try after updating the firmware, and now they all work. So if anyone reading this hears of anyone having similar issues with EA games, make sure they have updated their router firmware. 

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  • Administrators

Great to hear that your issues have been resolved. I'll now close this thread.


A word of warning though, please make sure you read upgrade instructions carefully as skipping can cause you to brick the router but in this case it didn't which is great!

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