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Gaming Experience Worse Than Previous Router

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i have switched back to preemptive which has improved things.


any final tweaks to maximise using this algorithm?


btw the ping has always been good (6-8ms) even when gameplay  was terrible.

And if you don't already I would make sure you have strict mode ticked on your GF and PA set to 0 (zero),again these are just few more ways to get the best gaming experience IMO.


And damn that's a great ping,I'm so jealous... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still having issues, one minute it's ok/average and the next it's terrible again.


When I do get a good game it's only for half the time, started a game 19-0 ended up 22-12, WTF is that all about?

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Do you live in an apartment building or other structure in downtown by any chance?  I am just wondering about locale in relation to that ping, because that is NICE!  You have to be close to the server with numbers that low, but that USUALLY means a more congested area.  Just thinking out loud....sort of in type.

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Yeah I live in a block of flats in greater London


This may be something to look into further if the recent changes still aren't getting you "there" in your mind.  If you can find out how heavily saturated your service area is by your ISP, (the cable company - which is going to be hard to get them to cop to honestly because they oversell everywhere).


I bet you have a lot of neighborly usage of the shared lines when you are gaming.  This additional usage is causing a lot of extra jitter and line noise, which is affecting your gaming.  This, unfortunately, is a by-product of the Cable TV model and there isn't much that can be done about it, though some here have gone all the way up the food chain and gotten good results.


I'd like to see two ping plot graphs if you want to go further with "outside" influence in your investigation.  One done for about an hour during the early evening/after dinner hours, this we call PEAK time.  The other one, to compare it to, should be done around 0200-0400hrs and should run at the same host, also for around an hour of time.


The difference between the two will give us an idea of what you are up against OUTSIDE of your walls and we may be able to better advise you of some things that COULD lead to more enjoyment and less hassle.


CAUTION:  This can become a rabbit hole fairly quickly, so I will leave that up to you to decide how far you want to go. ;)

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Damn cable strikes again,like JD said I would check it out and then decide how far you want to go with it as it can become a complete pain in the ass as I've went thru it.

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To be honest I have already invested enough time in this router with little benefit so I don't think I will go down the ping plotter route and waste anymore.


I think I will just have to accept that the R1 just can't consistently deliver what I was expecting and it will have to go back in its box until I change ISP or move to a new location.


At lest with my old router I know what I'm getting and the wifi is better.

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A lot of people have ISP issues and through working with people here have contacted their ISP and managed to sort their issues.


I would probably have a Xbox pad shaped hole in my tv/window if it wasn't for this forum and the Dr and Reverend

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