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42 years old. Tool and Die Maker by trade. COD on ps4 is what I have been playing since I bought it as a Christmas gift to myself. This is my first console and console game in 20 years since the original playstation. Previously played pong, Atari, intellivision, Nintendo, and sega.

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I reckon one pint - two pints is the optimum amount for gaming. If we plot blood-alchol comsumption on the x-axis and performance on the y-axis. One would expect a sharp short incline up to the second pint in which a rapid decline which quickly converges on 0. 

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It is up until a point, hence why its so critical. I'm not claiming this is my own theory, many great philosphers before me discussed this.





This is a JOKE, its actually Steve Ballmer from Microsoft who came up with this ridiculous concept he tried to enforce it at Microsoft apparently 

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