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Thank you


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Thank you for your amazing product guys! I have my router for about a week now...

And its exceeded all my expectations! No more laggy games :D 


First time ever that i post on a forum. Thanks again guys!

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey man! That is absolutely fantastic to hear! I'm very glad its working so well for you. Thank you for posting and giving us your feedback. Please feel free to stay and browse/post on the forum. We have an amazing community here and it'd be great to add more members to that community!

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I definitely will stick around! This forum is different from other forums.

Nice people are on this forum :)


And yes the router is working just perfect for me! Finally no more lag when somebody is watching youtube videos. My connection is only 3.5 Mbit down and 0.8 Mbit up. The Netduma is the solution for al my problems. Thanks again! Keep up the good work guys! :)

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Welcome the forum :)


Yes the congestion control is awesome when you have other household members using the internet whether your gaming or not , especially when you have lower bandwidth.


When i was on adsl 6mb and i was watching a 720p vid on youtube my sons web pages would take an age to open and vica versa then with the duma boom it was like we were on separate networks.


Glad your loving the duma it is one quality bit of kit, not only does it fix that problem but gives you totaly control over your gaming too and with each new iteration of the firmware it just gets better.

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  • Netduma Staff

I agree. Congestion control is amazing! It isn't the case for my anymore, but when I bought the Netduma I had a 6 down and 0.3 up so whenever anyone did anything in my house it was lag lag lag. I play mostly GBs so GeoFilter wan't as important to me - still very useful though. I love congestion control :)

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Thank you all guys! Really enjoying the netduma and its community :) And i had the exact same thing Crossy. The second i noticed lag on my connection,i knew someone was home from work. Congestion control is just amazing. So many different things i tried setting up QoS. And many more times i got frustrated that it didn't do its job. Congestion control is a little gift from heaven   :D

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I have no vested interest in how the router is received, but damn, I do love reading people's impressions when they become part of the Enlightened Duma Army... :-)


Congrats and I am happy to hear your experience has been so positive with the product and the forum.  Lots of good folks here and the Duma employees are active everyday, which is amazing customer service.



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Welcome to the forum.I would suggest hanging around as there is an endless supply of knowledge floating around here.The things i've picked up just by reading and asking questions is pretty amazing.


Not to mention the duma ( and it's staff ) is awesome and the future of gaming without question.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

So glad you're enjoying it. Thanks everyone for the kind words.


I'll just echo what everyone said, please stick around. We are going to start doing far more community events. Starting with our monthly top 5 game-plays. So send us clips of you owning or whatever :) 

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