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Filter needs constant refresh or reboot?

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Hi all, been having issues with the filter lately. Worked great the first day....isp(charter)>netduma>asus n66u(ap). It works for the first couple games and then it just stops searching. radar rotates but picks up nothing or gets stuck on an old search. Maybe ive messed with something i shouldnt have? Ive also noticed that my other devices such as laptops and tablets struggle streaming netflix. Can someone please assist me?This device is by far the best peice of gaming equipment ive owned and wish to use it optimized



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  • Netduma Staff

Do you usually have trouble streaming Netflix when using your other router - I guess not? What are your bandwidth caps on, could it be them that mean that there is not enough bandwidth for your other devices? For your GeoFilter, Is your issue the same as the one described here? If it is then I think for now you will just have to refresh until it is fixed. :)

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Band width caps are 60 4. Wifi is disabled on the netduma.To be honest id really like to have one the guys hop on and take a look. I may have messed with something i shouldnt have. Im really new to this. Each device is set too equal at the moment... appreciate the help thank you.

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Does refreshing your browser window (ctrl f5) help?

If it does try turning off any anti virus software to see if works. I had this problem and turning off AV worked a treat.

Don't know about the streaming issues though sorry.

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  • Netduma Staff

If Wifi is disabled on the Netduma how are the other devices connecting? Are they connected via another router on connected to the Netduma? The anti-flood algorithm should be set to reactive if your connection is greater that 60Mbps and pre-emptive if it is it less than/equal to 60Mbps. Do you still have the streaming issue if you increase the bandwidth caps too 100%? As streaming only uses download, the device prioritisation won't really make a difference to the download streams - the bandwidth caps will. 

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  • Netduma Staff

This maybe a dumb question but should bandwidth and download cap match?


They don't have to match, but if your like me, then everything has to be matching :D The GeoFilter freezing might be the bug. Do you have the streaming issues when you were using the other router? What is your download + upload speed?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Inferno,


When it next happens using chrome.


Can you right anywhere on the page and select "Inspect Element". Then a new window will appear, on the top of the window on the far right click console please. Then take a screenshot and post here please.


Based on that I can help :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey Inferno, before Iain responds to the picture can you go to Settings > Miscellaneous and click apply on the cloud settings, make sure auto enable is ticked without bleeding edge on. Sometimes it doesnt flush properly and clicking apply again can resolve it. If that doesnt work otherwise ill leave Iain to respond to your picture :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Yes, it has sorry for the delay. thanks again you guys are the best :D


Fantastic, glad to hear it! You're very welcome! 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

inferno its a little spikey, if you need help on lag please start a new thread with the following info please: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/1241-lag-support/


To solve the refreshing problem, please make sure you have any adware, firewall or anti-virus on your computer disabled temporarily. While it is, does it continue to work? 

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You say wifi is disabled on the duma is this because you are using the other router for wifi?

If you are it might be people using the wifi from your other router at the spike times as by doing this the wifi traffic is not being congestion controlled by the Netduma and you will see ping increases.


I highly recommend using the duma for wifi , it has a strong signal and the congestion control is the best on the market.

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