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Ping Test on Netduma "Bad"

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Hey guys, I have my netduma connected directly to my modem. When I do the pingtest.net test, i get an A score (very good), but the ping test within the netduma panel, gives me a "bad" on ping. Does that mean that some setting is wrong, or is it a cosmetic glitch that doesnt mean anything is wrong?

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I have been getting the same thing all day and I have tested it on Dslreports too so it might be the line. Might have to call your ISP.

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netduma makes a ping to google free dns maybe you have a bad ping to that host when you do a pingtest at ookla or other websites they ping your closer server maybe that is all.

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What nejkro said.

Perhaps there's a bad 'hop' on the way to Google's DNS for you or something.

(I don't know much about how the internet works though so that might be nonsense).

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I would just reiterate what everyone has said above. Could be a bad hop on the path to, could be an issue with the ethernet connecting the duma to your ISP hub or it could be a line issue. 


Would recommend running Ping plotter over different times/days and see what the results say.

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This may be completely unrelated, but I will share.  Time Warner Cable (TWC) is rolling out TWC maxx internet upgrades in my area.  About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that my speeds changed from 50/5 to 300/20, which is expected for the TWC maxx upgrade.  However, I did not get any notifications.   It lasted a few days, so I updated my CC bandwidth to the 300/20 values.  It changed to turbo and I have been using for a few weeks.  Yesterday, I noticed that my speeds seemed slower so I ran a Netduma diagnostic and speedtests.   I got a "bad" ping test and the speeds were back to 50/5.   It seems the TWC was just testing the network and the full implementation has not happened.  I then changed my CC bandwidth back to 50/5 and let it auto configure.  I then ran another Netduma diagnostic and my ping was back to "exceptional".  


As just a test, you can try changing your bandwidth to something completely different and changing it back.   Then see if your ping test changes.

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