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Tom Clancy's The Division Cloud connection

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Can you please untick auto & bleeding edge cloud choose the following instead:






And let me know how you get on please, I added a bunch of dedicated servers. It may take 4 hours for it to properly propagate.

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Can you please untick auto & bleeding edge cloud choose the following instead:






And let me know how you get on please, I added a bunch of dedicated servers. It may take 4 hours for it to properly propagate.


 Had a good experience with those settings tonight. Will continue to use those settings and let you know if things change.

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Ive been playing all weekend pve not pvp ive given up on pvp for  now

When i matchmake  it puts me in games from japan 280 ms also to russia 90ms

i live in england  those games are unplayable

Also I blocked a japan host  ten minutes later i matchmaked and got the exact same host

I know pvp are on dedicated servers

But pve im sure are p2p

I just dont get how it finds games well outside of my geofilter range  and my well outside of my  ping assist

It does find  games inside the range and ping assist when it does the game runs brilliant 15 ms ping average


These settings were used only for pve 

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Kinel, are you using the settings he suggested? It took me a little while to figure out where the settings were to change the numbers Fraser listed above. It worked well last night again. Only thing is if you match make, it seems to ignore the geo-filter. Had everyone on the whole server within U.S. (as my geofilter range was limited to U.S.only) and when I match made, it connected someone from Japan to our server. Wasn't a big deal, but I also had my ping at like 50ms. Not sure if lowering that would prevent that connection or not.

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I am using frasers settings 

Today i havent had a single host from uk or europe all from usa japn mainly usa

Ive been playing 2 to 3 hours 

All my games have been pve and i matchmake

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

netduma team come on guys !! i brought this modem just for this game, didnt know before that this modem just work with certain games, if i knew before ill not buy it, i thought its support all games, please do something about it or just say its not possible to make this modem support this game cuz we got bored from following the forum waiting for u guys

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It would not be fair or reasonable to assume the Duma can support all games for the life of the Duma router, well not for free anyways.

The Duma does and can support all sorts of things, but dont forget the Duma can not and will not stop game matchmaking within a server nor can it help with a games Netcode (including any sbmm) and the way it deals with traffic and other players.

Use the Geo filter properly to select your server location and play, that is all you can do.

Now for the game The Division itself, well its in trouble atm especially on the server side.

Instead of adding capacity for the PTS and separating from normal servers they pinched space off what they already had creating a cluster f$%k for both match making and normal solo play.

Ubi-Soft and/or Massive have a terrible Netcode and matchmaking algorithm, im actually surprised it works aswell as it does.

To bark at the Duma team for whatever reason re: most games is really uncalled for as there is only so much they can do.

I can not recall 1 instance in the DZ or even mission match making (with the geo filter on or off) where all the players are from the same country. Ive had a few runs with mostly people from the same country but for the most part atleast 1/2 are scattered world wide, this isnt the Dumas fault, its the game.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I haven't heard from the community member but it doesn't look like it's able to be supported unfortunately. I have a colleague drawing up a testing report for it at the moment but it doesn't look good, my apologies. It's definitely a weird one. I'll continue to monitor if things change to see if we can get it supported at all.

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Far as i can tell theres  pve game servers  what might be p2p 

Pvp is defently dedicated servers

Also now there is dlc called underground what is pve i think thats on anothere dedicated server


Cheers for the reply


If you need my help testing the game to see if you guys can support it i will be able to from  next week

When i get my pc upand running hopefully

As i havent been able to  play the game for ages as i just moved home and have been to buisy

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just tried to private message you fraser it says you cannot receive any more messages

if you could could you pm  me if that helps

my pc is up and running so i can help  try to supprt this game

so if you could send me the testing guide that would be great

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i just tried to private message you fraser it says you cannot receive any more messages

if you could could you pm  me if that helps

my pc is up and running so i can help  try to supprt this game

so if you could send me the testing guide that would be great


I've just emailed the email associated with your forum account, you just need to respond back saying you agree and I can send on the guide :)

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I have a problem the email i have associated with this account is no loner active

It was a o2 email adress and i just read all o2 email accouts stoped working in june 2016

Is it ok if i chane my email detailsto an emsil thats in use atm

Sorry anout this as i never really used my email  so i didnt relise it was inactive

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i finally validated my account again

all my email adrees had expired  i had trie about 3 difrent ones all expired

 so i just created a new one

if thats ok

i was locked out of this account till i could fix the issue  all good now though lol

sorry for the incoveience

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