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BO3 Hot fix after new patch 1/3/16


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Right i am going to share my experience after tonight 1/3/16 the new patch went live for Black Ops 3, so once i downloaded the new patch i had no problems in games at all had a perfect online experience with my Netduma settings, then the in game settings had changed around a hour later.


WOW the difference was night and day! 


It went from loving the game play to hating it because of this game settings change, i am now convinced that Treyarch are either messing around too much or they are aware of Netduma uses and are trying to stop us having good game play OR BOTH! 


Now i feel that i have to play around with my settings on the Duma to try and get it right again 


Hope the guys at Netduma are aware of this if someone has mention it before



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You know what bro I tweeted at AcTivision support about the lag on the Xbox One today and for the first time ever they asked me to send them a picture of my in console Metwork Statistics.

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I don't think the Duma army is anywhere near big enough yet for game developers to be trying to stop us joining local lobbies which they should have implemented in the first place.

I firmly believe that they just tinker with shit waaaaay to much to keep the game stable. Add to that all the crap they keep bringing out in the form of DLC for the kiddies and you have this mess that they call a game.

Been nearly a week since I had any decent game sessions and I even played AW till its death and got the season pass for that. Right now Id take AW over this and I hated that game. It wasn't as bad as Ghosts but man it was bad till I got the R1 then things improved a bit.

Maybe it's because were North of the Watford gap or something they dick us. lol

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I played for about an hour with Fuzzy Clam on Saturday and it was awful.  I haven't played since then and I have been pretty content.  Reading this doesn't have me wanting to rush right home and jump on the sticks, I can tell you that....LOL

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haha yeah it was bad wasn't it! But tonight just Losing gunfights you generally would of won, level 31 noobs slaying out, Consistency with this game would be amazing but it's not going to happen haha! Might be different for your connection across the pond though dude

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haha yeah it was bad wasn't it! But tonight just Losing gunfights you generally would of won, level 31 noobs slaying out, Consistency with this game would be amazing but it's not going to happen haha! Might be different for your connection across the pond though dude


Ha ha - My cable line is fucked six ways from Sunday AND the game hasn't been consistent.  I am going shotgun approach and going to try a DSL line just for gaming.

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^^  That is some serious whitepaper.  I scanned a few paragraphs for anything that seemed far fetched or "wrong" but dude seems to know his shit.  Great post.

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Ha ha - My cable line is fucked six ways from Sunday AND the game hasn't been consistent. I am going shotgun approach and going to try a DSL line just for gaming.



I think I will be doing the same. AT&T like Mr Fuzzy!

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It's pissing me off at minute too but not just the lag, all hero armour done apart from the more difficult ones all guns gold apart from more difficult smgs pistols snipers etc so on top of the lag I got the bad guns to deal with do I'm already making it hard for myself before u add in the lag and god damn moron team mates jumping in front of my cooked grenade causing it to bounce back killing me , thinking while I'm in middle of wall run is a good time to wall run towards me causing us both to die, getting in way when trying to aim at enemies, blocking sparrow shots or stealing vision pulse kills, being generly oblivious to everything around them , going 5-20 every bloody game, not shooting down a single score streak ,going prone on floor next to me on both sides while I'm in a gun fight trying to strafe and generally being completely useless lol

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It's pissing me off at minute too but not just the lag, all hero armour done apart from the more difficult ones all guns gold apart from more difficult smgs pistols snipers etc so on top of the lag I got the bad guns to deal with do I'm already making it hard for myself before u add in the lag and god damn moron team mates jumping in front of my cooked grenade causing it to bounce back killing me , thinking while I'm in middle of wall run is a good time to wall run towards me causing us both to die, getting in way when trying to aim at enemies, blocking sparrow shots or stealing vision pulse kills, being generly oblivious to everything around them , going 5-20 every bloody game, not shooting down a single score streak ,going prone on floor next to me on both sides while I'm in a gun fight trying to strafe and generally being completely useless lol

I'm glad you are having a great time mate

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Ha ha - My cable line is fucked six ways from Sunday AND the game hasn't been consistent.  I am going shotgun approach and going to try a DSL line just for gaming.

I say go for it JD,you never know till you try and see if it makes a difference.And since you and I have about the same issues with our original ISP's,you gotta try it.

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You know what bro I tweeted at AcTivision support about the lag on the Xbox One today and for the first time ever they asked me to send them a picture of my in console Metwork Statistics.


Man that's the most i have seen from Activision, they did ask me for speed.net results, And did the are you wired or wifi rubbish, once i started to talk about networking they stop replying lol 

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I don't think the Duma army is anywhere near big enough yet for game developers to be trying to stop us joining local lobbies which they should have implemented in the first place.

I firmly believe that they just tinker with shit waaaaay to much to keep the game stable. Add to that all the crap they keep bringing out in the form of DLC for the kiddies and you have this mess that they call a game.

Been nearly a week since I had any decent game sessions and I even played AW till its death and got the season pass for that. Right now Id take AW over this and I hated that game. It wasn't as bad as Ghosts but man it was bad till I got the R1 then things improved a bit.

Maybe it's because were North of the Watford gap or something they dick us. lol


hahaha that made me laugh hard at the end, Think your totally right it feels like we are ignored in most cases 

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I played yesterday and noticed it had gone to crap big time. I have a 13ms ping to dedis and they have lag comp me to death. I drop like a sack of potatoes and wonder who shot me? In the kill cam a guy was plain as day at a part of the map who hasn't registered on my screen yet. And I play on a Benq gaming monitor, so it's not input lag. Losing gun fights where I prefire because I know they are there. And where I get the first 3-4 rounds in them. Then the boasts at the end is like salt in an open wound when you know they won because broken lag comp

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I played yesterday and noticed it had gone to crap big time. I have a 13ms ping to dedis and they have lag comp me to death. I drop like a sack of potatoes and wonder who shot me? In the kill cam a guy was plain as day at a part of the map who hasn't registered on my screen yet. And I play on a Benq gaming monitor, so it's not input lag. Losing gun fights where I prefire because I know they are there. And where I get the first 3-4 rounds in them. Then the boasts at the end is like salt in an open wound when you know they won because broken lag comp

That's my black ops 3 experience down to a tee mate,same base ping same experience thank god the division is coming out tomorrow

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I played yesterday and noticed it had gone to crap big time. I have a 13ms ping to dedis and they have lag comp me to death. I drop like a sack of potatoes and wonder who shot me? In the kill cam a guy was plain as day at a part of the map who hasn't registered on my screen yet. And I play on a Benq gaming monitor, so it's not input lag. Losing gun fights where I prefire because I know they are there. And where I get the first 3-4 rounds in them. Then the boasts at the end is like salt in an open wound when you know they won because broken lag comp


I had a lot of those moments this weekend.  

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