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Playing Hardcore on Black Ops 3 after update

Dennis Pantalone

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Yoow Netduma family,


I'm using the Netduma now for over a month. After a few days I could really notice a difference in my internet on the playstation. Resulting in low ping lobbies and my score per minute and k/d is getting higher even with my 8 days gaming k/d. It was 1.80 then it went to 1.87 and my spmm is now 450.

It was somewhere round the 430 before Netduma.

My ping is between 5-10 on the speedtest. Internet is with reactive settings and 70% about 40 m/b down and 10 m/b up. On 100% it is 90 m/b down and 15 m/b upload.


I never tried to play on the lowest setting 10%. 


My geo-filter is searching 800 k/m from my home and 25 m/s ping, always finds lobbies and the ping in game is mostly between 17 and 34. Never lower sometimes way higher. Then the server is located 6000 km. away on a strange way that happens.


After the big patch a few days ago something in the game changed and the game plays strange/ different. Same ping etc but the lobbies are weird. Connection feels strange. I can't get the exact words or feeling for it. 


Do you guys feel the same? What do you do about it? Do you have small tips or tricks? Do you use the settings on a different manner? Do you throttle?


In a way I have a feeling that since the update my spm and k/d is getting lower very fast. Is it only the score based matchmaking or is it something else? Or a combination? 


Hoping to hear from you guys if you feel the same or have the same issues and what you do about it? 


Have a nice day and game on!!


Thumbs up from the Netherlands


Grtz Dennis Pantalone PSN:xX-HATE-RATE-Xx

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Exactly Asentrix!


It feels horrible. Crushed 90 of 100 games always around 40-10 k/d or higher.HC Domination or KC Hardcore, I was on top of the leaderbords. Game and leaderbord. And now the struggle is real.

I never been shot so many times as the last week. I don't now what to do or change. I don't think it's the Netduma. But how can i get it back??? No fun at all the last days.......

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K/d last days is 1 and spm is around 300.. Didn't have that from day 1. I usually play 2 or higher and round 450-500 or higher depends on scorestreak and gamemodus.

Well imo the best thing to do is don't play the game until a patch is released.

Not only will it relieve stress , but they will notice the drop in players and release a patch (hopefully)

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I play core Domination.  Yes, the connections and games over the past few days have been very inconsistent and extremely laggy at times.  It has been more laggy than normal for me.   I had just one GREAT game in the past few days where I was completely melting everyone and was unstoppable.  In all other games, the connection was very laggy at spot times.  

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Yeah, can try it, thnx for the tip... feeling zen again! :D  So many hosts and servers on Black Ops 3 and still there is always the connection thing. Put Battlefield in and u find't one server, u play with 100 people on one map and it still plays decent. :huh:


Maybe it is the engine of the game in combination with a lot a things we can't handle....

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I play core Domination.  Yes, the connections and games over the past few days have been very inconsistent and extremely laggy at times.  It has been more laggy than normal for me.   I had just one GREAT game in the past few days where I was completely melting everyone and was unstoppable.  In all other games, the connection was very laggy at spot times.


Ditto. Love Dom, but have you noticed how different each half is, its so bloody annoying, 1st half your melting everyone, 2nd half, can't get a kill.



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This is a Nice video , but i have so much problems whit my speed , i have 100 download and 6 upload , the problem is that i just can do Speedtest whit my iPad on WiFi , the signal is wel 98 % , the problem is that i have everytime other download and upload , i now not what i must set in bandwidth , after the update my dsl speed is more bad , my buffer is nearly the hole time red , before i had much a+ on upload and download

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This is a Nice video , but i have so much problems whit my speed , i have 100 download and 6 upload , the problem is that i just can do Speedtest whit my iPad on WiFi , the signal is wel 98 % , the problem is that i have everytime other download and upload , i now not what i must set in bandwidth , after the update my dsl speed is more bad , my buffer is nearly the hole time red , before i had much a+ on upload and download


Follow this guide for your speeds http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_lower

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And the struggle is back... Updated yesterday, everything works fine. Find servers with low ping but the server is acting really weird. The game feels slow, strange things such as 10 diffrent countries in one lobby. People who don't show up on the VSAT/HATR.... the game never feels the same for more then one game, its breaking my head.... how???  :blink:

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In 10 games usually I have 5 x kd 40-10, 3 x kd 20-10, 1x kd 10-10 and 1 x 60-10... That's normal for me even before I had a Netduma. With Netduma it has even improved. The last day I really need to sweat again to go kd 20-20.... Damn those servers man.... :wacko:  


The Netduma still helps me a lot..... Most of the time i am still the only one positive on my team, so that means also a lot to me... :D  Keep it positive.. :)


Have a good weekend peepz!!


Thumbs up from the Netherlands

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