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To all the players Raging that Bo3 is bad


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Hello Raging players!


Here is the deal with Call of Duty. Yes there are connection issues, hit detection issues and poor character animation and people skip around the map and still get hit detection (even damage spikes on their weapons). There are definitely problems with the coding because it is old as hell.


However, in COD, this statement holds true to this day... "If you miss your shots, you will die." Almost the entirety of COD is revolved around aiming. This does not simply mean ADSing and using the right stick to line up your shot. There are more mechanics to hitting shots.


1. Pre-aiming. Bo3 is a COD that favors pre-aiming more than some might think. especially if u are using an AR. A large mistake made by noobs is the tendency to sprint around corners or through a doorway. While this tactic is ok IF u have map awareness, it is not ok if you have no clue where anyone is on the map. Let me map out how not pre-aiming leads to people raging and saying the game is bad. We will refer to the player as noob. Noob spawns up from death and decides to hit the right lane of the map. Noob starts of spawn sprinting his nuts off...He rounds the corner...sees an enemy...he has fast hands on...ADSs...fires like 15 bullets (he swears)...gets 3 hit markers...the 4th hit marker is about to drop...Then Noob yells "WTFFFFF." Now let me explain what really happened in the gunfight. As Noob rounded the corner into an enemy pre-aiming the corner, the enemy actually started shooting first but in COD the first hit marker the enemy got did not register on Noob's screen as him/her taking damage because of the inherent delay in COD coding and Noob's ping to host. Therefore, Noob was shooting the enemy with what he/she perceived as "full health" and therefore, believes he shot first and the game is shit. Now, what could have Noob done to change his/her fate? Noob could have sprinted to the corner off spawn and before reaching the corner, stopped sprinting and pre-aim him/herself, or, another amazing feature of COD is called cameraing. Cameraing (i know its not a word) refers to strafing a corner in and out to see what is on the other side of the corner. We have all seen the videos on someone who comes around a corner in COD and has full vision of a player before they even appear on the other players screen. Noob could have camera'd the shit out of the pre-aimer and ended his streak, but Noob has a horrific play style of sprinting around corners and refuses to learn a new style of play and blames the game, not his abilities or brain power.     


2. Centering - one of the biggest mistakes beginners to COD make is that they see a player, ADS and use the right stick to drag their cross hairs onto the target. This as a general style of game play will get you killed all the time. This style of play works on head glitches or if u are playing an edge of the map or if you are playing an anchor role in competitive and receive a call out from a teammate. Centering refers to getting enemies dead center of your screen without ADSing and then hip firing into an ADS which ensures that when you hit full ADS the enemy is right in the cross hairs. Halo players are fantastic at this skill since a lot Halo is played by essentially hip firing a pistol. but when you get into COD the mechanics are different and you need to ADS for a majority of kills. Also centering comes in handy because of the movement system. centering your screen on where an enemy might be when moving around the map will help you ADS on target quicker and land first shots.


3. Sensitivity. To all the people who can control a high sens (i would say 7 and up is quite high) more power to you. but if you are the guy who has no centering skills on a high sens and relies on ADSing and dragging to aim, which is essentially relying on aim assist, you will have problems winning gun fights. my advice is to lower than shit right now. Start on a 4 or 5 sens and work on centering and then ADSing to kill people. The faster you can learn to center and ADS the more gun fights you will win. This is how the pros in COD pick up kills. sure they make crazy plays with movement but the essential of those crazy plays is the ability to center enemies extremely fast (that is how they snap onto players). You will never see a pro ADS after a enemy has jumped over them and drag their cross hairs 180 degrees to trace them through the air. You will die and a high sensitivity will not improve this either because you have to control it and honestly, most simply can't.


What im getting at with these points is that, aside from having absolutely shitty internet and lagging all over, the play style of most public players is absolutely horrendous and they shit on the game and developers because they can't kill anything but never change up their style of play. The tips above will not come overnight or in a week or two. If you are going to COD you need to practice this shit every match and your KD or whatever will suffer while learning. KD means absolutely nothing by the way. People who value KD are not people you want to play with. If you take the time to master the above tips you will be able to destroy that player who values KD. There are jacked up mechanics in the game and it doesn't run very smoothly from time to time and the game has built in lag but you can take measures to prevent yourself from getting shit on in every pub. Stop raging!!!!!!!! the question you need to ask yourself after death is how could I have won that gunfight...dropshot? jump shot? conventional jump shot? pre-aim? hip fire? flank? Also, if that fool is camping on a head glitch, this is a great opportunity to re-challenge and challenge yourself to some recoil management skills. who cares about dying 3 or 4 times if it going to improve your skills. Also, just remember that everyone gets "joked" in COD. If you are a long time player and just realized this, I really don't know what to tell you. And yes, i rage myself from time to time, and say the connection is shit, but I have to regain or I will lose my mind and that is not fun for someone else to play with. 


P.S. to the people who counter argue with "I play casually." You play CASUALLY, therefore, have no right to rage since you put in minimal work at getting better. Literally, the casual argument is the weakest thing I have ever heard. Why get on COD to just chill and then get pooped on and get angry? If that is the case play a different game.  

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Hello Raging players!


[A bunch of grandiose BULLSHIT...]


P.S. to the people who counter argue with "I play casually." You play CASUALLY, therefore, have no right to rage since you put in minimal work at getting better. Literally, the casual argument is the weakest thing I have ever heard. Why get on COD to just chill and then get pooped on and get angry? If that is the case play a different game.  


If the netcode were setup properly, you would be right, but everything you say goes out the window when the netcode favors the player(s) who do the opposite of the things you describe as "skill". I've been playing video games probably longer than you've been alive, and BO3 is by far the worst online gameplay (with/without the Netduma) I have ever experienced. It's far too random, and while I accept it will never be LAN-like, what we have in BO3 is far below current standards set by games like BF4, and CSGO in terms of "competition".


BTW, CoD used to be for us "filthy casuals" since it is and always will be a FUCKING VIDEO GAME. What a concept, huh?


What ruined CoD (besides the technical coding) is players like you who treat it like some sort of job where only you and your elitist buddies (who play 24/7) should have the right to comment on the game. Most of us either don't have the time, nor interest in grinding 8+ hours a day and before you counter by saying you play far less... I'm guessing you are younger, have faster reflexes and a lot less going on in your life and can devote your time to trying to be good at this RNG-fest. But, I will take your advice since you obviously know what is best and play something else and leave the MGL tryouts to you guys...

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Great tips, and thank you for sharing.  Yes, each COD games will have their own set of problems, yet I will enjoy them all (some more than others).  


I adjust my play style to match the map, game mode, weapon, class setups, etc.  I am in San Diego and play with friends as party leader from the east coast; therefore, my connection each game (or half) will vary. Therefore, I also have to adjust my play style based upon the connection, lag, etc. as well.   When the game is playing well, I play more aggressively.  The worse the game plays, the more conservative that I play.  


Having said that, I agree with JConnor that BO3 definitely has some engine changes that are not consistent with previous CODs.  I have been playing COD since MW2.  In previous CODs, low pings were king.  In BO3, this does not seem to be the case.   I have tested BO3 while playing solo and more exclusively mercenary to avoid parties.   I have place my GF around my home and got very low ping games, which did not play as well for me.  I would then move my GF to further away with higher pings, and the games were much better.  Thinking at this could be server issues, I tried in various server areas across the US. Unfortunately, I seem to get better game plays with high ping hosts.  

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All good points, but those of you suggesting that BO3 has the worst netcode, lag, delays, lag comp, or engine problems are just wrong.  There has been a series of netcode analysis done on the most recent COD titles, and while the engine and networking issues are horrible compared to many of its contemporary FPS competitors, both Black Ops 2 and MW3 had considerably more problematic engine and netcode problems.  The base delays in Blops 2 were off the chart, not to mention the broken camera issues, lag comp, matchmaking problems, etc., etc.  Worst problems in the series by far, yet one of my favorite games in the series despite that.  And MW3 had a built in netcode exploit that was game breaking, as the lagcomp in that game gave an unbelievable advantage to lagging players and was consistently exploitable, despite the game having other strengths in design and even some aspect of the netcode (e.g., hit detection).  Each successive game seems to work around, rather than fixing, the core broken engine by focusing on peripheral changes to the experiences (new maps, weapon balance, perk strategy, killstreak variety, shifts in time to kill - a key strategy to compensating for poor netcode, etc.)


That said, I agree with Tj that there are ways to play and work within the parameters of the game design, including its flaws.  Many of the tactics mentioned absolutely work and become part of the chess match of countering not only your opponent, but the game mechanics themselves (e.g., rushing as a way of combating the camera issues in Blops 2).  I've come to enjoy that as part of the psychology of playing COD, working the mechanics, even the broken ones to my advantage.  Accepting the Wtf randomness on occasion not as a personal F-U to my gaming experience, but rather something that ALL of us deal with.  For every WTF moment I experience, I know my opponents are taking theirs in turn as well. I find some relief in that..lol.    Not everyone's cup of tea certainly, and I certainly understand the frustration and anyone who deems it unworthy of the effort to counteract these things and chooses to opt out.  There are certainly other FPS servings out there, each with their own issues.  But for me there is something special about the COD formula and I remain hopeful that they will salvage it at some point, though you all have valid points as to why that may be an unlikely business decision for Activision.  That would be a labor of passion, and unfortunately profit will trump that every time.


But I'm an older gamer as well and have been at this for some time.  I'm still pretty sharp in my skills and am usually the one dominating, but I take even more pride in working the system, including its flaws, based on the experience I've gained over time in understanding what COD is at its core.  Much like a Race car driver, much of the advantage comes in the work put in before the race to configure your equipment better than your competitor.  To me the metagame includes not only reflexes, and outthinking my competition, but also the equipment I bring to the table to maximize my ability, be it a headset, scuf, or YES, my Netduma router configuration that gives me every possible edge at my disposal.  Anyone who just shows up to fight without having done the prep work I've done is going to be at a disadvantage, I dont care how blindly quick your little adolescent thumbs are..lol.  Perhaps it should not have to be that way, but somehow I've come to enjoy that part as well.


So good luck to all of you.  I encourage you to continue tinkering to find the sweet spot for your setup to give yourselves the best online experience possible as I have.


See you online :)

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watch the above video this guy is great at exposing why games suffer and have issues, basically its a botch job by treyarch as usual lol


Unfortunately the link doesn't work, but I can guess the content. The same content that gets rehashed constantly.


Look, youtubers are worse than Fox/CNN/CBS. They want your hits, they talk about how awful the game is so after you have that trash match and go looking on forums someone says "dudbro go watch soandso's video". And you totally relate, and start watching other videos.


Lets take for example the "sbmm fiasco". Tmartn claimed it was in, every last little follower hopped on the bandwagon. Why? He said so, he never actually proved it, he just said "OMG IM GETTING STOMPED IN PUBS LOOK!" Because Tmartn or any of the yt'ers would never play like a scrub to get hits would he? Oh no, he's honest. He loves you guys, he'd never lie to you. Oh no, no he wouldn't. Nope..... never....


But we're all sure David was lying, because he works for the big evil corporation! Yes yes, he's a liar. He profits from lying to you. Sure.


I really do miss the days of id and their .plan's. You saw alot of "behind the code" when a patch went live. For 99% of people out there, way way above average non-coding human heads, but usually it filtered down to laymans terms after it hit planetquake or whatnot. 

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I don't know that I agree with all this. This game can be night and day from one match to the next or even half way through a match. So with that said some of us become noobs match to match or at half time? umm I don't think so.

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I'm glad you're enjoying the game as are many others.


The main thing I feel that bothers not just me, but others (at large) is in theory buying all of these peripherals should make a difference, but at the end of the day they don't because of the built-in shortcomings of the game / engine / network code that should be fixed at this point in the series life cycle. We are at CoD #8, so you would think there would be improvements and maybe even fixes to these glaring issues... That are now being exposed by actual statistical and recorded visual data... But here we are almost a decade since the series began and nothing has improved. In fact, BO3 has become unplayable for many regardless, of what peripherals they have because of the inherent flaws and laziness on the part of Activision and the current CoD developers.


This is not acceptable to many of us and as a result, we've quit playing and now play other MP games where the word "fairness" isn't just marketing hype, or taken for granted (and never investigated further).


The irony is if the MM weren't as atrocious as it is (allowing anybody to play with anybody regardless of location and quality of connection), we wouldn't need the Netduma because people playing on Wi-Fi with 200, 300 pings are the ones doing well while those of us with A+ connections and lower pings who should have an advantage can never get a consistent gaming experience, and suffer at the hands of those who shouldn't be playing online to begin with. Call it elitism, but unlike the OPs immature elitism, this is justified because this is how most other online games function: He who has a lower ping and better quality connection rules. Not so in CoD, and some of us are sick and tired of the backwards-ass way CoD does things because it means we have to act like a naive 12-year old... CoDs main audience, now.


@Mister Hooper




This isn't click bait. This is the visual and statistical (ping plotting, packet tracing) proof I spoke about in my previous reply to Scrimmy. 


If you want to continue to play the game after seeing this, then be my guest. I and a few others no longer subscribe to this Vegas-style (stacked against the low ping players) online experience...

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@Mister Hooper




This isn't click bait. This is the visual and statistical (ping plotting, packet tracing) proof I spoke about in my previous reply to Scrimmy. 


If you want to continue to play the game after seeing this, then be my guest. I and a few others no longer subscribe to this Vegas-style (stacked against the low ping players) online experience...


Some factors he avoids.

Jitter/Bufferbloat/System spikes (rewatch his scene with ping open and watch the random 10+ms spikes he gets) 

Quality of connection (run a quality ping test for 24+ hours) run the same on his buddy's and post results.


Its horribly simplifed and dangerous.

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@ JConnor


Agree with you on just about every point you make.  It should not be this way, and it is most certainly the fault of the game in many circumstances, and more fundamentally the fault of corporate greed and repeated false promises.


That said, my main point is simply that my setup and peripherals minimize, counteract, and in some cases undo many of the inherent problems being discussed (the irony being that my netduma is more "central" and critical than "peripheral" at this point, and more important anything else in my setup due to the issues we are combating).  So in your Vegas analogy, I'm the card shark at the table with others who often do not realize what they've gotten themselves into, with a pretty Netduma on my arm while I rack up chips..lol.  


But by virtue of your points and the fact that you are a netduma owner, you already have an advantage as well because you are aware of these issues and have a tool that when configured right can undo a lot of these problems if you know how.  Whether you are willing to figure out how to or put in that work is an absolute choice and I wouldn't fault anyone at all for not bothering to, even if its just on principle alone.  But for me, I'm having a very consistent and good in game experience with my Duma configuration that I could not have without (believe me I tried and had all the issues everyone else has).   


I've put in the work technically as opposed to just in game practice, and now I can enjoy the game while impacted less by these engine and netcode flaws.  And wouldn't you know, the game is fun again.  But I am with you that a change is desperately needed and I hope that happens before its too late..

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It looks like you shot through the wall and also all the way through the open metal door. I'm not too sure on what the annihilator's penetration factor/damage is, but I'd say that is what caused your hit marker.

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It looks like the netcode is trash AF.


Last night I was spectating a player on S&D. He died to a VMP, but he shot them with an Argus Supressor at close range got a hit marker and the player didn't die. Because the VMP bullets registered before the Argus.




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One should never be in state of mind of rage due to any game.

When I play COD I am in the most calm and focused state possible.

It is a zen, almost dreamlike, state where I am at one with the COD universe.

It is only in this state that you can open your mind and perceive everything required for high KD. 

It is not at all about seeing what is in front of your face and shooting it

but rather feeling the presence of all the players on the map and predicting how they are going to behave.

this, combined with an understanding of the maths behind the COD machine will turn you into a COD GOD

Once you have reached this COD Nirvana you will never worry about death or KD or lag

as your enemy is already dead before he meets you.


well most of the time anyway.....

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One should never be in state of mind of rage due to any game.

When I play COD I am in the most calm and focused state possible.

It is a zen, almost dreamlike, state where I am at one with the COD universe.

It is only in this state that you can open your mind and perceive everything required for high KD. 

It is not at all about seeing what is in front of your face and shooting it

but rather feeling the presence of all the players on the map and predicting how they are going to behave.

this, combined with an understanding of the maths behind the COD machine will turn you into a COD GOD

Once you have reached this COD Nirvana you will never worry about death or KD or lag

as your enemy is already dead before he meets you.


well most of the time anyway.....

thank you ol wise ironman

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One should never be in state of mind of rage due to any game.

When I play COD I am in the most calm and focused state possible.

It is a zen, almost dreamlike, state where I am at one with the COD universe.

It is only in this state that you can open your mind and perceive everything required for high KD. 

It is not at all about seeing what is in front of your face and shooting it

but rather feeling the presence of all the players on the map and predicting how they are going to behave.

this, combined with an understanding of the maths behind the COD machine will turn you into a COD GOD

Once you have reached this COD Nirvana you will never worry about death or KD or lag

as your enemy is already dead before he meets you.


well most of the time anyway.....

I like how you almost used combine in this , anyway I just wanna have fun. Don't need to be a zen or cod god or any of it , its a game I like to play when it works. S hould be fun and not a 20 gadget consumption of time and money to achieve the average scrub play time. Just my opinion. But if it worked for everyone there would be no need for side products like the Netduma or Scuf (prefer the cinch actually) so they would be putting the names we love out of business if it worked for everyone!

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annihilator is supposed to have no drop off and full penetration, ive had plenty of wall bang kills and seen collaterals through walls


Weapons in CoD are hitscan.


This means, there are no digital projectiles being fired even though there are contrails (snipers) and hit markers. Those are just for effect, and I never use them as any indication of accuracy, or inaccuracy.


This also means most weapons have no real limit to their rage. What the developers do is reduce the initial damage dealt from the initial shot the further (approximated distance) the target is from the point of origin (where the shot is fired). Not how far the virtual round "travels" from the barrel. You can see this in action with how imbalanced the SMGs have been in almost all CoDs. You can kill somebody from Barn to Grandmas on Fringe with just a Kuda if you are a good shot. In real life, that would not happen due to the range, drop-off and other physics that make AR's mid-to-long range rifles for a reason.

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