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Preemptive or Reactive?

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According to the optimisation guide for my 80Mbs fibre connection I should use the reactive algorithm but according to the router help it states preemptive is preferred as it eliminates lag spikes.


In my testing, I've found reactive utilises my full connection and is always about 5-10Mbs faster when I perform online speed tests than preemptive. 


On the above evidence I should use reactive but I've found when my better half is streaming using our Now TV box at the same time I'm in the Playstation then preemptive just seems to 'feel' better. 


What is the best setting for my connection? Has the drop in speed when using preemptive got anything to do with the bugs in congestion control in the latest version?



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Reactive has been the hot ticket for most of us while playing for awhile now.  Originally I was running Pre-emptive on XBoxLive and Reactive on Playstation Network.  Now I run reactive exclusively.


I am sure there are technical reasons, for and against, but reactive seems to yield the best results of those reporting results.

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*circling back on old threads I posted in*


I did a bunch of testing for BO3, both without the Netduma in play, as well as Reactive and Pre-Emptive on both platforms this weekend.


PS4:  Games were statistically better, by a decent amount, with Reactive.  Pre-Emptive offered a higher overall speed when the sliders were brought into play, but it was a marginal difference on my limited interwebz.


XB1:  Played almost entirely on the Seattle Dedi, which was amazing I was able to do anything really.  Pre-Emptive led to a higher overall speed with less slider needed to decrease BB to the A+ setting.  However the better games were had with Reactive.  Hands down, all day long and well into last night.


For XB1 players, we are working on a new set-up to help play BO3 and I personally have been getting some great games on the Seattle dedi's, but it's still early in the results phase to post and get hopes up.


More to follow...

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*circling back on old threads I posted in*


I did a bunch of testing for BO3, both without the Netduma in play, as well as Reactive and Pre-Emptive on both platforms this weekend.


PS4: Games were statistically better, by a decent amount, with Reactive. Pre-Emptive offered a higher overall speed when the sliders were brought into play, but it was a marginal difference on my limited interwebz.


XB1: Played almost entirely on the Seattle Dedi, which was amazing I was able to do anything really. Pre-Emptive led to a higher overall speed with less slider needed to decrease BB to the A+ setting. However the better games were had with Reactive. Hands down, all day long and well into last night.


For XB1 players, we are working on a new set-up to help play BO3 and I personally have been getting some great games on the Seattle dedi's, but it's still early in the results phase to post and get hopes up.


More to follow...

Ears just shot up like a dogs

I look forward to this

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To answer your question the best setting is the one that works best for you. If preemptive feels better when gaming etc then use that. Gaming doesn't require much bandwidth so any slow down in speed won't affect that. 

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