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Misc Settings Keeps Resetting

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Hello all.  For the last week or so, the miscellaneous settings page in the R1 has been resetting itself back to all options "ticked". This is very problematic, as the turbo modes in particular turn the router to crap for me.  When they are ticked the entire router goes into slowdown, the menus take forever to load and refresh.  Clearly I do not want all options ticked, nor should they be.  No matter what I do, reboot, etc., even when I get the correct settings to stick again, after a few hours or a day or so, the options go back to all ticked automatically and the router is stuck on stupid again until I rinse and repeat.  HELP!


Just looking for any feedback or suggestions.  Perhaps others may be encountering the same issue.  Very happy with my Netduma aside from this recent frustration (BO3 hopeless issues notwithstanding)..

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Hi Scrizzy,


I think that bug occurs when you throttle your connection too much. Can you just wait for congestion control to load then set the anti-flooder sliders to 100% and reset distribution. Does it start loading faster now?


If so that's the issue just don't throttle too much or if you want to be aware that GUI will slow down till you stop. 


In the latest firmware changing settings on congestion control don't slow down the GUI, I've tested it thoroughly.  

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Thanks Iain, I think that may be the issue.  I was not sharing access and was playing with the sliders a bit experimenting with different percentages.  I will keep an eye on it to see if it occurs under any other conditions..  Thanks for the feedback everyone.  Btw, I am on version 1.03.5m, with cookies enabled, and it was happening in several browsers, Chrome, Firefox, etc. But all good suggestions nonetheless.


This support and community is incredible.  Much appreciated.

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Hi Scrizzy,


Yeah when throttling it throttles the user interface in your version. In the new version that doesn't happen any more. When you see everything ticked what's actually happening is the page has not fully loaded yet. In the new version we show loading screen so you can't see all ticked. Anyway too much detail.


Long story short when you throttle on your version pages load very slowly. 

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