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  • DumaOS Routers Owned
    Netduma R1
    EE WiFi Enhancer
  1. Why do gamer things have to be so flashy?
  2. What do you need from me to possibly expedite the beta entry for XR500? You recommended I get the beta firmware for the troubles I had here. Thanks!
  3. I am using OSX. IPV6 is disabled on the XR500 as it were by default. I will try the static IPs route later and sign up for the beta, but I'm wondering if the XR500 exposed a deeper issue and my old router just handled it gracefully by reconnecting, in which case I'd rather get to the root of the problem and solve it there and not so readily slap a bandaid fix over it. @Netduma Fraser Do the logs above seem like an issue the firmware will fix? Should I get it looked at by an ISP tech? Cablelynx Broadband (no other choice here)
  4. Internet went out again, just browsing on my computer and girlfriend playing Fallout NV with friends. x'd out my MAC addresses. Last error logs prior to this set were yesterday at Tue Jul 21 13:45:53 2020 so I'm pretty sure this set has some meaning as the time matches up. Does this seem like the Netduma R1 is exposing some issues between modem and ISP and my XR500 not handling it as gracefully as my prior router? I have had random disconnects from time to time with my prior router in game but the Internet never remained down and I always chocked it up to game hiccup or game server issue. With this router it seems whatever this issue is the router throws its hands up until I reset it. I was able to access the router this time via and soft-reboot it. Arris SB6183 event log: Wed Jul 22 00:10:54 2020 Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; Wed Jul 22 00:10:51 2020 Notice (6) Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv4 Wed Jul 22 00:10:49 2020 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out Wed Jul 22 00:10:40 2020 Notice (6) - Reinitialize MAC... Wed Jul 22 00:10:40 2020 Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re-initializing MAC;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; Wed Jul 22 00:10:22 2020 Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; Wed Jul 22 00:10:17 2020 Notice (6) Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv4 Wed Jul 22 00:10:07 2020 Notice (6) Rng Rsp Abort Status - Reinitialize MAC... Wed Jul 22 00:10:07 2020 Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re-initializing MAC;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
  5. Set up the XR500 a week ago. On the latest firmware. Now getting crashes every other day and have to power off/on the router (previous router never crashed). I have an Arris SB6183 modem that this router connects to.
  6. Last time I was around here was when I saw this announcement. I was like "I bet they still hadn't released it yet" and it doesn't come as a surprise that that I'm right. Please get your shit together.
  7. I see different threads that are all locked when it comes to news on the future Netduma. The last in-depth progress update was on Jan 27 on your blog which is nearly about a year ago, I guess on March 24 you had testing done. https://netduma.com/blog/dumaos-announcement-development-progress-testing/ As a developer myself I get the convenience of "it'll be ready when it's ready" and agree with that philosophy, but it still wouldn't hurt to be ever so slightly more transparent about progress. I think at this point perhaps even a roadmap should be feasible as things get solidified and stabilized? Where should I subscribe to see any and all news specifically about the future of Netduma? Can we expect one soon? Thanks, - Early Netduma customer
  8. In WWII camping far outweighs rushing, just like advanced movement games favor rushing over camping as to being consistently successful. WWII is for the slower, defensive player. Other more recent BOTG CoD games allowed for a variety of play styles by providing [a] flank routes with minimal headglitch spots completely stealthy class setups [c] SMGs that kill up close and out to medium range [d] SMG aim-down speed being faster than AR [e] maps that didn't consistently favor the range of AR. And people care about their stats so they play in a way that is most successful and unfortunately that is by camping/headglitching constantly. Even the best rushers in CoD are having to play a bit more conservatively, and that's not because it's BOTG so much that rushing in this game is like constantly being caught with your pants half down with how slow it is to draw your gun up to people already aiming. That's why.
  9. Is hyperlane technology the basis/groundwork for the QoS technology spoken here? Or is just a stopgap solution until this new QoS gets implemented?
  10. That's a very nice shirt as well, although I think I'm more into the ambiguous/abstract designs. I still think it's a nice design in that it's a silhouette of the soldiers so it doesn't pop out too much (again, I like subtle). I just wonder if people will ask me if I was in some special op army and I'd be like "No, but I did game at Holiday Inn!"... Oh. lol
  11. #1 red shirt, simply because I don't like only the eyes being red like that on a subdued/dark graphic. What people will end up seeing is two pairs of floating eyes. I like subtle. Now if the eyes were subdued I'd probably go for the dark shirt. I also like #2. The others are a bit too comical, imo.
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