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Preemptive vs Reactive


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I couldn't find much about the differences between the two besides the bandwidth difference. I have always used the reactive to get my full bandwidth (250Mbps Up/Down) and everything was alright but I wasn't having a perfect experience. I have recently tried using preemptive and making my bandwidth 50 down and 15 up in the settings. I have had a much better experience online (mostly playing PS4 MWR). The biggest difference I noticed was the hit registration. I don't necessarily eat a lot of bullets or kill extremely quickly but it is much more consistent with the good bullet reg. My question is what is the difference? Does anyone have any ideas why I would be having a better experience with preemptive compared to reactive? Is DumaOS going to have the two different options again or just one? Am I doing something wrong with my reactive setup and settings? Thanks in advance

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I believe the reactive algorithm is based off of fq_codel or is fq_codel. But the preemptive algorithm was designed by Duma.  To me preemptive handles jitter/ping spikes better than reactive. So when I game I push my congestion controls to 15up/15down and select preemptive. Then unselect everything (check boxes that is) that is not necessary under settings>misc(i.e ivp6/multicast snooping). Those are the only two I have selected.  Therefore no jitter spikes for me.  

I believe DumaOS is going to have only one algorithm.  Preemptive gives me the best hit detection with my congestion control sliders lowered as stated above.  I can't take credit for discovering this though. I got this info from ProInnocence (this guy has over 100 De-Atomizer strikes).

Just a heads up I have cable internet so this may be different for dsl.  

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For myself on UK fibre 76mb testing with ping plotter while saturating my bandwidth but lowering the sliders 70% reactive stops jitter spikes this is what the congestion control is for stopping congestion.


Getting your packets out and back to you before other users on your network via hyper lane in conjunction with CC, now that would give better packet transfer to the host and back.


For other users testing with ping plotter while saturating find that preemtive stops local congestion jitter, it is a case of hand testing.

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Buck is correct in the differences. It's all about finding the algorithm that works best for you. I know for DumaOS we're going for our new QoS but I don't know per se if there will be different algorithms for that - given that speed loss won't be an issue there anymore.

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For me, reactive just lowers my bufferbloat a little.


While playing IW, I notice no difference at all between preemptive or reactive.



Same. No difference b/w preemptive or reactive. 

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