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NetDuma Destiny Rise of Iron Frustration

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Quick Back Ground:

Destiny Gamer from year 1.5, and had a few problems with lag during some PvP matches so I picked up NetDuma and have had great results in the past. 

However since the Rise of Iron release I have been having horrendous lag issues, and usually pull out of a game within 7 minutes as that's the point I usually start losing one on one engagements. Shots aren't registering, weapon switch out takes a moment and the switch is not fluent but spotty. 


So with that said here is my general information:



R1 debug version 1.03.6h running on rb-951g-2hnd


Network Map: 

NetDuma (Main Router) 

Cat5e to AC5400 Router (Workstations)

Cat5e to PS4

Cat5e to PC

Cat5e to Fios Router (Networked Printers) 


PS4 Tests before:

50/60 Download

20/80 Upload


FioS normal speed 135/135 Up/Down


What settings have you tried:

I have used several, I actually had the best result when I used the settings to prevent the limiting of throughput. I was then getting 140/120Mbps

I have also used this setting http://forum.netduma.com/topic/8623-best-settings-on-destiny-imo/

I have gone trough pretty much every setting referenced and I cannot consistently maintain a good connection. 

I have tried at various hours, and I can do well one game and then it goes down hard and fast. 

So for those that want to be rude and say hey you suck, get better. I am no push over in PvP, even though I am a handicap gamer I could give you a run. prior to Rise of Iron I had a pretty decent K/D now I've had such a horrendous run I'm just frustrated. 

Yeah no monster score (see Pic) but keep in mind I do not have full use of one arm. 


I have gone to factory default settings a few times, and I'm tired of it after not seeing any progress in the connection. 


SO to prevent any confusion as what I need to select I can go to factory default and go from there. This way there is no confusion on what should be or shouldn't be checked. 


Think NetDuma is a great product as it helped before hand. Not sure whats going on now and appreciate the help to fix the challenges being encountered. 







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That's a pretty dramatic difference in the internet connection test on PS4. Do you have Settings > Miscellaneous > Turbo enabled on the R1?


There's a few things to run to figure out what's going on -


1. Head to http://www.dslreports.com/speedtestand report the results. What you're looking for here is A+ for Bufferbloat and Quality. Speed's less relevant, ping's more important for gaming. Bufferbloat indicates a bottleneck in your LAN caused by one device or another.


To fix Bufferbloat, head to Congestion Control, use the recommended 70 Down / 70 Up settings, then tweak in small increments upwards and downwards until the line cleans up and you get the best compromise of Speed and Quality, while removing Bufferbloat. I tend to find 88-ish Down and 65-ish Up works best for my connection. Also, make sure your console is in Hyper-traffic.


2. Run PingPlotter to scan for external sources of lag upstream of your connection. Screencap the results and discuss with your ISP if you notice any lag spikes or packet loss.


3. Adjust your Geo-location settings in Host Filtering. Mine is set for 900km and 50ms ping, which works really well for 90% of games in Destiny. I still see the occasional teleporting red-bar, but it's infrequent enough to be ignored.

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Your ps4 speeds matter next to none my friend ignore it. If u change mtu from 1500 to 1473. U will get different or faster fake speeds everytime. PS network caps at 6MB downloads which is all that is testing. Your speed from ps4 to their download server. Nothing to do with destiny or game. Destiny is hybrid p2p. While u I'm sure u know. Game is spotty and people teleporting is probably because they are inducing packet loss on the lobby which is very easy to do. Netduma won't help u with that. I see it often in bo3.

Wait till game starts then force netflix or udp unicorn on lobby. Or what also is floating around induce packet loss on yourself by changing the mtu. . Is this cheating? Well... Unethical yes. But u do what u got to do. Punk buster don't exist on ps4. Or else many ppl would be kicked out of games and probably cry.

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Game is spotty and people teleporting is probably because they are inducing packet loss on the lobby which is very easy to do. Netduma won't help u with that. I see it often in bo3.

Wait till game starts then force netflix or udp unicorn on lobby. Or what also is floating around induce packet loss on yourself by changing the mtu. . Is this cheating? Well... Unethical yes. But u do what u got to do. Punk buster don't exist on ps4. Or else many ppl would be kicked out of games and probably cry.


Using a lag switch is unquestionably cheating and deserves a console ban. Furthermore, DDOS attacks like those seen recently in Trials of Osiris are a federal crime in the US. Doing shit like that to win a video game is fuckery of the highest order.


Red-bars are typically simply poor internet connections and most of it can be filtered out on the R1. Unfortunately some do sneak through and lag-compensation punishes those of us with good internet connections instead of those with high pings. Lag comp should be removed from all games completely - if someone's internet connection sucks, they should wear the consequences of it, not everyone else.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum! I totally agree with antithesis on his points, and I'd recommend you follow the steps suggested on his first comment. That being said, the correlation remains between Rise of Irons release and a worse Destiny experience. I can confirm that we recently got Rise of Iron in-house to test out, so we'll see what comes of the testing. Hopefully some more Netduma Destiny players can pitch in at this point, but following the suggestions antithesis said should be a good start.

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Here is the Bloat results.  


Your guidance under section 3. Adjust your Geo-location settings in Host Filtering. Mine is set for 900km and 50ms ping, which works really well for 90% of games in Destiny. I still see the occasional teleporting red-bar, but it's infrequent enough to be ignored.


Per other settings for Crucible it says to go to 0 ms as its not recognized for Destiny? If I do 50 ms is that with Strict turned on or off? Currently I have it off, I also have Auto ping off, and Peer Ping On. 


Thanks Again for the guidance. 




1st game went great, saw nothing but green bars

2nd Game: Started good, then same as before shots not registering losing duels that should have been won. Weapon switch out hard, not smooth. 1 Red Bar

3rd Game: Didn't leave from cycle. Running into walls, weapons transition hard, 3 red bars.


Waiting a few minutes, going to try and repeat event. If so I guess i have to leave after every game and find a new one. Not sure


Update 2: 

Played a game- everyone green but not full bar

Next game- red/yellow/green bars

Next game -yellow/green bars


Rebooted, -

First Game Green Bars

Left- New Game- Green Bars

Left- New Game- Green and red no yellow bars.


Distance I settled at is 1109 km

Ping Assist: 44ms

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Played Iron banner quite a bit on the weekend, had a few odd red bar games, but that was it, you will.always get red bars.in your games, i set ping assist to 30ms small radius, strict off.

Played fine all weekend and when it's odd you just sit back.

As long ping plotter gives you a flat line of 17 ms and you have ok speed and upload then it's not you, that's the issue when playing it's just a matchmaking issue, being paired with laggy internet users, trying to play a multiplayer game..these people should be banned.

I have really lovely guy I play with, but his internet is so bad he's constantly red, I personally tell him to get off you should banned from playing any online multiplayer game haha

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I got the best settings that you can have on the Netduma for Destiny:


1) Hostfiltering: 3074 TCP/UDP both


2) Set two hyperlane: Playstation Network and 3074 UDP source


3) Reset device priorisation


4) Port forwarding:

TCP: 80, 443, 1935, 3480, 7500-17899, 30000-40399

UDP: 2001, 3074, 9306-9308, 35000-35099, 50000-60000

TCP/UDP: 3478-3479


5) Disable UPNP


6) Enable automatic DNS


7) Make sure that you have an A+ bufferbloat on dslreports test.


8) Wreck the sh*t out of others Guardians


9) Laugh of their angry messages

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  1. Reset to factory default
  2. Selected Destiny Profile
  3. Selected Settings-Misc- and checked Enable Cookies
  4. Selected Host Filtering
    1. Select Serve-
    2. Created PSN service
    3. Created Host Filtering service:
      1. port 3074
      2. TCP/UDP
      3. checked both
  5. Go To Congestion Control
    1. Set Bandwidth (What I pay for)
    2. Selected Algorithm - Reactive
    3. Download Cap
      1. Set at 55%
    4. Upload Cap
      1. Set at 60%
    5. Reset Distribution
  6. Go to Settings- Port Fowarding
    1. TCP: 80, 443, 1935, 3480, 7500-17899, 30000-40399

    2. UDP: 2001, 3074, 9306-9308, 35000-35099, 50000-60000

    3. TCP/UDP: 3478-3479

  7. ​Go to DSL Reports - Run Test

    1. ​Post results

    2. 1479220439-U10666.jpg

  8. Start PS4

  9. Go to Destiny Crucible

  10. Evaluate Game Mode

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I can not wait to get home Friday to try this. I have 300 down and 25 up and A+ all the way around on buffer bloat. Yet I fluctuate between a yellow and green bar. Hit detection seems to be great then bad. It's never consistent. I want the game to feel like it used to when I average well over a 2kd. You guys will be my heroes if this works again. Fingers crossed

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Played 3 games back to back. First 2 games were great, total difference.


3rd Game had a few red bars. Seemed blotchy at times, Some shots didnt register, then it went back to normal when we were losing, then when we took lead, it happened again, slow shots, losing exchanges in shotguns duels. when they got to 17K then things started to return to normal, so immediately pulled out and ran a DSL test and went from an A+ to an A


Shut down the app and PS4 and did a DSL ping test and got an A+, and the Speed test got me an A+ again.  So rockin the settings above. Thanks to Everyone for there help. Drop me an FR for Destiny, if you like.


I use a mouse and keyboard since I cant hold a controller. Thanks again everyone

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Great information here! Thank you all for being part of this great experience and THANK YOU NetDuma them for an awesome product and great tech support. 


I myself am having the same issues and I am on an XBOX One system. Do you know if these settings would help me in the same way? Would there be other settings I need to look at? I had great experiance prior to rise of iron so there has been a change and it happened at the release of Rise of Iron.


Any help would be great. Thank you in advance!

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Great information here! Thank you all for being part of this great experience and THANK YOU NetDuma them for an awesome product and great tech support. 


I myself am having the same issues and I am on an XBOX One system. Do you know if these settings would help me in the same way? Would there be other settings I need to look at? I had great experiance prior to rise of iron so there has been a change and it happened at the release of Rise of Iron.


Any help would be great. Thank you in advance!

You can do the same but the ports for Xbox are different:


TCP: 53, 80, 3074, 7500-17899

UDP: 53, 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500, 1200, 1001

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  • Administrators

Fraser, all systems are operational and connected.


Great just wanted to make sure!


Great information here! Thank you all for being part of this great experience and THANK YOU NetDuma them for an awesome product and great tech support. 


I myself am having the same issues and I am on an XBOX One system. Do you know if these settings would help me in the same way? Would there be other settings I need to look at? I had great experiance prior to rise of iron so there has been a change and it happened at the release of Rise of Iron.


Any help would be great. Thank you in advance!


Hey, welcome to the forum!


As Chive said above :)

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Chive thanks for the help and I have one more question I am hoping you can help me with. How is your host filtering setup as far as distance and ping assist and I assume you no longer need the Destiny profile.  Thanks 

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Chive thanks for the help and I have one more question I am hoping you can help me with. How is your host filtering setup as far as distance and ping assist and I assume you no longer need the Destiny profile.  Thanks 

My host filtering is based on a 0 ping assist and 800 kilimeters.

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