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    Netduma R3


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  1. Hi @Netduma Fraser Any chance I can get access to the firmware as well? This is my only issue with the R3. Everything else is butter for me. Much appreciated! -Joe
  2. Here's the ping results with my TC7610 hooked up. It's flawless! Went 41-8 my very first game testing it out. No more 200+ ping spikes for me haha
  3. Yep I ordered it from Amazon. Luckily I'm a prime member so I get free 2-day shipping (ordered it yesterday and it will arrive tomorrow). That very well could be the issue too. My old modem was an 8x4 and the upgraded one they gave me is a 32x8 I believe.
  4. Of course, and I really appreciate you guys looking out for me! If it weren't for this thread you made, I wouldn't even know about this issue haha Very much appreciated.
  5. And FWIW, he did do work outside on my line. Pretty much almost did an entirely new fresh installation because my wires were all old and corroded. I'm convinced it's the modem haha
  6. Yes I've tried bridge mode and still get the spikes. I'm pretty certain it's the modem. There's no way it can't be to me. Like I said all of these problems popped up within the hour after it was installed. My older one never had a single spike ever. I'm definitely not ruling out that it could be an issue outside still, but the fact that these problems started the same day I got the modem is kind of fishy haha All of my signals are spot on.
  7. Update: Comcast tech guy did his thing, but the spikes are still happening. Pretty clear at this point it's my updated modem. I'll give another update after I pick up my TP-Link TC-7610 tomorrow. At least I have peace of mind now knowing that I have new cabling and that that wasn't the issue haha
  8. OK sweet. I don't need the phone service (never use the thing), it's just included with my package so I could care less about the phone service haha I was thinking it was the modem as well because all of these issues occurred only AFTER the new modem was installed and there's no way that's a coincidence. I'll see how things are after he does maintenance because if they're still bad then the ARRIS TG1682G can be added to the list of modems which have this Puma 6 issue. In that case, I'll be picking up the TC-7610. Thanks for the reply.
  9. Hey Mod, I have the same internet speed package from Comcast as you and was wondering if this modem works for ALL Comcast customers (I'm from NJ). I just got a new modem installed yesterday (ARRIS TG1682G) and it has been giving me outrageous spikes and latency/jitter. My old modem was a Technicolor tc8305c and didn't give me any spikes whatsoever. I only upgraded because it was a free upgrade on Comcast. Their tech guy is coming here tomorrow to work on my line because he saw an issue that could be causing the latency I'm getting. However, if I notice the problem continues to happen after he's done working on it, it's going to be pretty obvious that it's the modem which is causing it. If that's the case, I'd like to check out this TP-Link modem you're talking about. Do you know if this TP-Link is compatible with all Comcast customers who have 240/12 speeds?
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