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Netduma Crossy

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Netduma Crossy last won the day on July 19 2022

Netduma Crossy had the most liked content!


About Netduma Crossy

  • Birthday November 4

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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • DumaOS Routers Owned
    Netduma R1

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  1. Bonjour, Je n'ai pas pu reproduire cela. L'appareil que vous testez avec DSCP est-il câblé ou sans fil ? Pourriez-vous essayer de désactiver QoS et de tester à nouveau ? Vous pouvez désactiver QoS dans le menu latéral du premier panneau de l'interface.
  2. That sounds like a lag switch, which as far I know, only work for the host of the game. There's not much we can do to prevent it once it's happening, but you could use our allow and deny feature to block a host who is using one.
  3. That's a cool idea. I can not confirm or deny if I'm working on this ;)
  4. There's currently no plans to let people make their own theme. After the release of 1.4, we're hoping to roll out loads - maybe we could let people suggest ideas/colours and Josh, our UI designer, can work with those when developing new themes.
  5. Is it possible to add headers to some of the articles which which have different sections which let you link to them. On the old Wiki you could get links to a specific part of the page like this.
  6. That's only for TCP - pretty much all latency critical games will use UDP.
  7. UPnP should be enabled. It is UPnP forwarding that you don't need on.
  8. You too abc, nice to see you here again
  9. In the past people who have done, have been discovered within a day or so.
  10. You shouldn't need to set a static IP. Did you follow the instructions in the links Fraser posted?
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