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WIFI Limitations

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I always host the holidays and parties at my house; therefore, there are always tons of people connecting to my wifi.  In the past I utilized a dual band router to help with the number of users.


I got the Netduma this year and replaced my dual band router (gave it to brother who really needed a new router).  Family members started showing up yesterday.  There were about 10 devices connected via wifi with another 4 devices wired.  


I have 60/6 bandwidth, which has never been a problem in the past. Yesterday, the router keep kicking people off the wifi or the router itself would completely freeze.  It is well ventilated and open so it is not overheating.  I did feel it and it was hotter than normal.  


I expect another 10 more users over the next few days.  At the time, I had CC on 100%.  I did not think to throttle it down to 80 or 90% and trying it. 


1.  Is there is user limit for wifi?

2.  With that many users do I need to lower the CC to help manage it?

3.  Any recommendations on how to handle a large quantity of users with Netduma?



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I'm not sure if there is a limit per se.  Maybe Fraser will reply on that one but I would uncheck wifi workaround if it is selected.  That should help with drop outs.  I would just leave CC at 100% because bandwidth is more important that ping in this situation.  I would also make sure you're are on the least congested channel for your wifi.  Just my two cent. Merry Christmas from the East Coast.  

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I'm not sure if there is a limit per se.  Maybe Fraser will reply on that one but I would uncheck wifi workaround if it is selected.  That should help with drop outs.  I would just leave CC at 100% because bandwidth is more important that ping in this situation.  I would also make sure you're are on the least congested channel for your wifi.  Just my two cent. Merry Christmas from the East Coast.  


Wifi work around is disabled.  I used wifi analyzer and put the wifi on the least congested channel.  I also rebooted the modem and router to ensure but they did not help.  

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lol  Xmas would turn into world war 3 if I tried that

My thought is your there to hang with family during the holidays,not to sit on your phones or laptops in the corner of the room,not talking to anyone.My thought is you can do that shit when you go back home,when your with family people should take the time to actually hang out and speak with them... ;)

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With a bunch of teens, it would either be WW3 as Akic stated or mass suicides. LOL

Well either way you'd be off the hook UK... ;)


I understand where your coming from as I'm the cool uncle LOL with a total of 11 nieces and nephews (combined from both sides) and I love every one of them.But they know they ain't getting no WIFI when they come to the house at Thanksgiving and Christmas and yet they still love coming here and never ask about WIFI anymore.


May have something to do with my nephew asking about 4 years ago and him ending up stuck head first in a snowbank outside or maybe it's just a coincidence,who knows with kids... :D

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Hi mate,


if you have wifi workaround unticked and you've chosen the optimum channel I can't really think of any other options. Maybe go to "Network Monitor" and see if one device is using all your bandwidth? If so you can then start using CC or device prio to help. Maybe even block that said device.

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With everyone over, I will definitely try the CC, reset distribution once everyone is one and monitor the network traffic.   As part of the TWC maxx program (all digital no more analog) Time Warner Cable will be upgrading my bandwidth to 300/20 in January.  I assume that this will help too.  With a family full of technies, we definitely push the bandwidth.  That is one of the reasons that I am anxiously waiting for the big update that you are working.   

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ahh ok mate, I'm not sure if you realise but the turbo mode update is already out. The router can handle up to around 840mbits in the lab. 


Did you get a chance to look at the network monitor and see how much is getting eaten up? 

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ahh ok mate, I'm not sure if you realise but the turbo mode update is already out. The router can handle up to around 840mbits in the lab. 


Did you get a chance to look at the network monitor and see how much is getting eaten up? 


I was referring to the big anti-jitter update that you are still developing and testing.   Turbo mode does not affect 60/6 correct?


There were a few people over last night, so I did not get a chance to look at it.  Everyone will be over on Christmas, so I will evaluate the network monitor at that time. 

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I was referring to the big anti-jitter update that you are still developing and testing.   Turbo mode does not affect 60/6 correct?


There were a few people over last night, so I did not get a chance to look at it.  Everyone will be over on Christmas, so I will evaluate the network monitor at that time. 


Ahh I see yes that should be in the new year. Yup don't need turbo mode till 120mbits :)


Happy Christmas mate!

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With everyone over for Christmas and on the wifi, I set my CC to 90/90 and reset my flower with everyone on.  I then rebooted the modem and R1.  There were still some minor occasional drops, but much less than before.  I also used wifi analyzer to monitor the channel, and I was on a channel without any interference.  At one point, I had about 20 active wifi devices.  Using network monitor, I noticed that all the teens were the major users (no surprise).  I did not see anything out of the ordinary.  The bandwidth for each user was varying depending on their usage without any major consumers.  At this point, I don't know if the occasional drops were connection/congestion issues with wifi or bandwidth issues because of number of users.  


I will provide further testing once my internet is upgraded in January.  I will have to get a new modem since TWC limits the network to 25MB per channel.  Therefore, I will have to upgrade from SB6141 to another modem with a higher number of channels.

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