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Loving Black Ops 3 - Can't get enough of it!


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Anyone else feel this way about BO3? After the awful years of Ghosts and Advanced Warfare (Personal Opinion) and having to stick with Black ops 2 I'm actually over the moon that this game hits all the right spots for me! Hooked on Hardcore Kill Confirmed and Domination too! Clock watching until work finishes at 4pm so I can get back on play haha. 


These were my stats on 10:30pm on 8th December just before I turned the Xbone off. 



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Now that is some sick stats. I feel exactly same way about this game as you do. Though I can only play on weekends. Again buddy I share you love for the game if I could I would be playing a lot lot more, but I make a use of what I can. 

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I am getting really screwed off with people voting the "Previous" map option again and again and again.

Wish Tryarch would remove the previous option and just leave Next or Random.


Other than that yea loving it. 

The DLC cant come fast enough tho......


(Not sure loving it as much as AW, I became a little obsessed with AW's speed and utter chaos and the fact that  you could still dominate while rushing if you had skillz with the boosting. I go back to AW now and again and cant believe the speed of it. Bops3 is a little more cerebral.. it has taken me a while to adjust. )


Now if NetDuma guys could just update the software to identify silenced pro quick-scopers in the netcode and lag them just enough so I can see where the hell they are before they get the drop on me....

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  On 12/9/2015 at 12:56 PM, Net-1 said:

I am getting really screwed off with people voting the "Previous" map option again and again and again.

Wish Tryarch would remove the previous option and just leave Next or Random.


Other than that yea loving it. 

The DLC cant come fast enough tho......


(Not sure loving it as much as AW, I became a little obsessed with AW's speed and utter chaos and the fact that  you could still dominate while rushing if you had skillz with the boosting. I go back to AW now and again and cant believe the speed of it. Bops3 is a little more cerebral.. it has taken me a while to adjust. )


Now if NetDuma guys could just update the software to identify silenced pro quick-scopers in the netcode and lag them just enough so I can see where the hell they are before they get the drop on me....

Unfortunately I'm one of those people voting previous map (depending whether its one of either Combine, Evac, Exodus or Breach) Not a huge fan of most of the others, Redwood is an instant backout, fringe is alright I suppose, stronghold on the right gamemode is an awesome map but the rest of them are all too campy for my liking...

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  On 12/9/2015 at 1:00 PM, Shane said:

Unfortunately I'm one of those people voting previous map (depending whether its one of either Combine, Evac, Exodus or Breach) Not a huge fan of most of the others, Redwood is an instant backout, fringe is alright I suppose, stronghold on the right gamemode is an awesome map but the rest of them are all too campy for my liking...


I hear you but last night I had Combine 5-6 times in a row and dudes would be mass voting in the last second to secure it.

Then I have to back out of a great lobby only to be dumped into another... yep you gessed it ....Combine..its killing it for me...


A lot of people complained about Advanced Warfare but if you ask me the popularity of Combine tells me that people are missing the rush of AW......

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Heh... The awful years for me was BO2 and AW... BO3 is too damn cheesy for me. Don't know how you play it to be honest. SHG and 3arc have officially killed my interest in CoD, at least in its current incarnation. Good thing older IW releases are still being played.

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  On 12/9/2015 at 1:12 PM, Net-1 said:

I hear you but last night I had Combine 5-6 times in a row and dudes would be mass voting in the last second to secure it.

Then I have to back out of a great lobby only to be dumped into another... yep you gessed it ....Combine..its killing it for me...


A lot of people complained about Advanced Warfare but if you ask me the popularity of Combine tells me that people are missing the rush of AW......

I'm the same, I don't mind playing combine a few times on the bounce depending on the lobby/teams but after a while it just gets too frustrating, especially when there's always a guy using a shotgun which in turn makes others start running shotty & once that happens that lobby becomes unplayable. Personally don't think it has anything to do with AW, just think it's the closest map to Nuketown in terms of size and how fast the kills can rack up. 

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  On 12/9/2015 at 1:15 PM, procreate said:

Heh... The awful years for me was BO2 and AW... BO3 is too damn cheesy for me. Don't know how you play it to be honest. SHG and 3arc have officially killed my interest in CoD, at least in its current incarnation. Good thing older IW releases are still being played.

Sledgehammer should never have been allowed anywhere near the COD series. Honestly I can see what you mean by BO3 being cheesy, but for me it's hundreds times better than Ghosts an AW. 


Loved BO2 could never see why or how anyone didn't like that. 


Still pinning my hope on a Re-Release of MW2 and COD4 though

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  On 12/9/2015 at 1:16 PM, Shane said:

I'm the same, I don't mind playing combine a few times on the bounce depending on the lobby/teams but after a while it just gets too frustrating, especially when there's always a guy using a shotgun which in turn makes others start running shotty & once that happens that lobby becomes unplayable. Personally don't think it has anything to do with AW, just think it's the closest map to Nuketown in terms of size and how fast the kills can rack up. 



Sorry....I might be the guy with the shotty ......

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  On 12/9/2015 at 1:43 PM, RADDY1993 said:

My shotgun is my new BFF lol



The game was starting to grind on my nerves, until I figured out how OP the shotguns were, disappointed it's taken me this long though! Only started using them late prestige 9 but they're literally all I've used for the whole of prestige 10. B)


Nice paint job btw  ;)

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  On 12/9/2015 at 2:20 PM, Jeff said:

Love it!  Easily my favorite CoD in quite some time and i'm usually an Infiinity Ward guy.

Wouldn't go as far as saying 'favourite' for me personally, CoD4 will forever be my fave, but I already know that if the next CoD is rubbish then I'll have no problems sticking with BO3 for another year!

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  On 12/9/2015 at 2:28 PM, Shane said:

Wouldn't go as far as saying 'favourite' for me personally, CoD4 will forever be my fave, but I already know that if the next CoD is rubbish then I'll have no problems sticking with BO3 for another year!

I guess the best way to term it is the most fun i've had in quite some time.  And I've enjoyed all CoD's, even AW.  If i had to pick a true favorite it would be MW3.   


Definitely having alot more fun than i thought i would in this.  I really want to play the new Halo and StarWars but just can't seem to pull myself away from this game.

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I like BO3 because it is very similar to the original BO, but also offers something different (wall running) if you are inclined to use it. You will NOT be at a disadvantage if you don't, unlike AW where you had to kangaroo hop to compete against the Adderall Kiddies.


I feel the weapons are balanced for the most part, QS isn't as bad as in this one (this seems to be going out of style), and the game just feels good while playing it, IMO.


AW was very clunky and at odds with itself, IMO. Ghosts was good, but it, too, was also at odds with itself trying to promote two different playstyles that were in direct opposition to one another e.g. run & gun vs. camping. This is why I feel BO3 is balanced overall. You can rush if you want to with SMGs, but you can hang back with snipers and ARs, too. You don't have to play a certain way and can change on the fly during a match which is something the last two CoDs lacked, IMO. There are also no "go to" weapons, so you can play with whatever you like and still do well as the "try hards". 

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