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BO3 on XB1

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I can't take credit for this but this is what Iain posted as a suggested fix:


I'd suggest either the following or a combination of:

Strict mode off will get you games fast. Ignore the location of server but the ping you get. If they are low you're sorted

Increase ping assist to 50ms, that is what we recommend

Increase your distance by clicking the snap button twice. The snap button is the one to the right of the magnifying glass on host filtering page

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  • Netduma Staff

Nothing appears on the Geo Fraser , BO3 say searching 50 games but does not find anything until I switch XB1 of and on again . It's like being at work with the IT guy I then get games straight away


So you're not getting anything appear on the GeoFilter? Is that's right can you try re-adding the device and make sure it is the right one :)

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