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this might be the fix for lag comp on bo3

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i may have found the fix to lag comp watch this persons video is shows you how

if i aint allowed to post this video i will take it down i dont want to cause trouble i just want to help others here


they use a tp lnk router but i know any person using thee  net duma can acheive these speeds myself i use a p link and this is the only thing that helped me fix my isues with the game on ps4

this person i seen them post on simjc74 comments on his youtube video

he actually copies the simjc combo technique but changes the numbers that work for them 

they have worked for me do far i can now actually react when i get shot before instant death

i had a few games with these settings and i won nearly all my 1 on 1s before these setings i couldnt win a 1 on 1

its working great for me so far so good

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i had a few games with these settings


play 100 games with these settings and youll realize it barely changes anything

the games netcode is rubbish, while the settings do help it certain lag scenarios there still are plenty of other scenarios in which it doesnt, and then you can argue if those scenario are actually even worse than before because of the changes

lag compensation is complex, if you truly want to fix it you have to do much more than just that


i guess it would require an intelligent algorithm that takes stuff like player locations, their pings + packet loss + ping fluctuation/variance and estimated pings between each other, their connection speeds, you being host or not and much more into account, it would be required to have live automatic adjusting since all those parameters arent static but dynamic and dependant from each other


for that reason im curious what Iain and Fraser is working on in the lab, they said to work on a video that explains how lag compensation really works, it would probably be the very first one that does it right :)

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Lag compensation in BO3 is different than BO2, throttling isn't the overall solution, it's having a low ping, keeping that ping low and doing so with no to very little fluctuation...


Reducing bufferbloat helps too, because it alleviates higher memory load on the hardware to free it up, but again it's not everything.

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IMO I've tried throttling just to see if it works over a specified number of games,with all the variables being taken out...i.e.quite network only myself gaming and running solo.


And all I found was that it really made no difference in my opinion,some games were great and some were bad.I feel this has more to do with who else is connected to your dedi and what is happening on their network.The duma can only control who you connect to by setting your GF,it can't control who else connects to that same dedi.


And like A7 has said it's a different kind of lag comp that other games,if we throttle we can lower our speeds but we can't mimic the high ping that other's with shitty internet have and that is the difference IMO.


If this is working for people more power to you but in my experience it made little to no difference.

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