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fttc connection with the R1

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As Iain says, no benefit unless you want the unlocked modem (modem not unlocked by default and not all Openreach modems can be done easily - you need to crack it).


Good to have the modem as a back up in case anything goes down on the HH5.

 I'm a bit surprised that there's no benefit from just having the modem plugged into the R1 but that's useful to know cheers! 

Also surprising about the openreach modem, Any ideas on how to unlock?


One other thing, I noticed the BT HH5 router has still got WIFI on. I'm guessing I should turn this off and let the WIFI run through the R1 only? 

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey Cajun72,


Unless the BT HH5 has something the R1 doesnt have such as 5GHz WiFi for example then I would recommend turning off the BT WiFi and having all your devices run through the R1. :)

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@iain just pondering could my security software ie the firewall on the desktop be blocking the access to the  r1 ?


i wont have chance to get back onto or in to it again today but heres what i propose to do .......it might give you some ideas


1.connect the r1 to the desktop

2.turn OFF the plusnet hub this will disable any and all wifi ........i havnt found any signs of wifi on the desktop btw

3.power up the r1

4.power up the desktop

5.try and connect to control panel via if that fails try 1.1 ending addy

6.if step 5 fails run ipconfig again and post back here the results now i know how to screen shoot thanks for that btw

7.if the above hasnt worked then ill have a nosey through my firewall just incase the r1 is listed there and blocked for some reason

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ill leave this window open so i can check back before i do anything else


tbh it wouldnt suprise me if my firewall is blocking it as it can be a bit thick at times , as it normally goes yer names not listed yer not going anywhere then asks me when its stopped fighting with what ever it is it doesnt like wether i like it and what is it ?, and should it allow this , then its really ok you like it then should i allow it then .....yes ok right..........now are you sure ? ok ill allow it but before you do are you sure you like it as that means that ill like it and ill have to allow it by this time im normally shouting its a $%^$%&$& java update you $^&%^%&* stupid thing we go through this every bloody time , and the firewall isnt set to aggressive either just default ffs lol but at least i know its working

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Hey Cajun, I disabled the wifi completely on my HH5 and let the Netduma do it all.


I  personally found the HH5 wifi a bit flaky

Thanks Buds and Fraser, This is what I'm going to do.


.Update.. I turned off WIFI on BT HH5 but on the ipad and even the pc it lost internet altogether? a bit strange because in the ipad wireless settings it's says 'netduma r1' no mention of HH5. It's almost like the HH5 wifi is overriding the netduma wifi. It was only after turning back wifi on HH5 that internet returned.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Cajun: That is odd, can you try reconnecting to the Netduma R1 network please after the HH5 wifi is off.


Mike how is everything? 

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also bagsta mentioned that ill need my plusnet password i take it that isnt the router one ? as i dont contact plusnet or use any of there software i just abuse there internet so if i need anything from them id rather have it ready ?

Done a bit more digging for you Mike,

Switch Everything Off.

Switch BT Open Reach On and wait for 'DSL' light

Switch R1on and wait 15 minutes  (some people have reported only having to wait 5 minutes)

For some people this just works and everything is fine however if you do need to enter a username and password they are the same as what you require to log in to the PlusNet Member centre on the web.


Hope that helps

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Wow thanks so much bagsta for helping out.


Mike before you do did you use the blue cable for the Desktop like we suggested at the end of yesterday. Could you access the duma via doing that? 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok Mike lets get to absolute basics to fix this.


Step 1


  1. Disconnect the Duma from the other router, so port 1 is empty
  2. Connect the desktop to the Duma via wire
  3. Can you access router interface?

Let me know the result of that please Mike

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Guest Netduma_Iain

ok this is more interesting.


Remember make sure the desktop is NOT connected to port 1 please. Can you try access or thanks

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ok the only thing plugged into the R1 is the power lead and desktop into port 4 both addys tried and it times out , no ports click like my plusnet router but the light shows up on the R1 saying that port is connected and its very easy to just pull the lead out of the R1

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Guest Netduma_Iain

ok great on your laptop connect to the Netduma Wifi.


Then go to "Settings > DHCP" & make sure:

  1. DHCP is enabled
  2. From is set to 100
  3. To is set to 250
  4. Lease Time is set to 12 hours

Then click apply please. Let me know when you've done that please

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