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Netduma DMZ

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I currently own both a PS4 and XBOXONE, and would like to get both working with an open NAT. So seems like my only options for that are to have the PS4 using port forwarding and the XBOX to be placed in a DMZ. But for the life of me i simply can not find the DMZ option, am i missing something here ?

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thanks for the advice ! But not sure that is an option for me as i run my Service Providers Router in a Modem only state as a achieve far better stability and speed that way.


Can the UPNP feature of this router be trusted to do a good job of port forwarding? it might be my only option. But ive come across alot of posts which state to use port forwarding over UPNP to achieve better results for the geo filter.

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I currently own both a PS4 and XBOXONE, and would like to get both working with an open NAT. So seems like my only options for that are to have the PS4 using port forwarding and the XBOX to be placed in a DMZ. But for the life of me i simply can not find the DMZ option, am i missing something here ?

DMZ will be on your main Router but i assume you have your Duma using it.

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Yes the upnp on the netduma is great and it works really well.  Make sure you reboot your router after selecting the upnp and you should be ok.You are right there is not dmz option on the netduma router per se.  

Is it just your isp modem and the netduma in your setup? or is there a second router?

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If its in modem mode then UPnP should open your ports absolutely fine. Keep in mind that Playstation NAT type 2 = open NAT, it just means you're behind a router.


If the game says its moderate this is a false reading caused by the Geo-filter. You can carry on playing without worry or if you prefer, boot up the game with the Geo disabled then enable when you're ready to play

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Iamfrady could you tell us the make and model of you isp router.

Sombody might be able to tell you how to enable the dmz even though its in modem mode

As my router is in modem mode but i enabled dmz of my router before i put my router into modem mode

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