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I don't know if this is the right place to post this topic, but I've been trying to play some Halo 5 Multiplayer with the netduma and I can't do it.


Weirdly enough it's working fine with Destiny and Halo masterchief Collection ...


When I launch the HALO 5, it find people outside the geofilter start the game and kick me outside of the game.


So I cant' play when the geofilter is activated.


Any ideas ?



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i don't know if anything has been done yet, but i just hopped onto halo and forgot my CoD geo size was on (700-800 miles) and Strict was ticked 'ON".  Played 3 games and each time got into a game and on a dedicated server within my geo.

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i don't know if anything has been done yet, but i just hopped onto halo and forgot my CoD geo size was on (700-800 miles) and Strict was ticked 'ON".  Played 3 games and each time got into a game and on a dedicated server within my geo.


Great to hear! 


omg please i hope they fixed it! i hate this matchmaking so hard right now. 


We didn't release an update but we've been working on it, has been interesting looking at what they're doing thats for sure

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After looking at it i didn't have my geo set quite where i thought.  it was a little bigger at 1000 miles or so.   I found that if i shrink it smaller i didn't find games..   but if you're on the East Coast US, i recommend all halo players for now opening their geo to cover the whole East Coast and as far as the middle US.  It looks like there is a server above Texas that needs to be in your geo to get either that server or other East Coast host fairly easily.  But the games have been playing decent even with half of the US in the geo.  Good fun. :)

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Based in the UK and at best I'm getting pings of 80 -100.  I have to turn the geo filter off in order to connect.  Its a real shame as its totally pointless playing multiplayer at the moment.

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Based in the UK and at best I'm getting pings of 80 -100.  I have to turn the geo filter off in order to connect.  Its a real shame as its totally pointless playing multiplayer at the moment.

Absolutly - if they dont fix this within the next days this wa the last halo game i ever bought from this incompetent gamedevelopers. halo is a US flavored game - seems they dont give a shit about the eu 

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i'm sure the connections will be sorted out :)   My biggest complaint with the game is no social matchmaking.  It's all skill based matchmaking which could also be what is contributing to the server problems people experience.   To me Halo was always just a fun social game to ride warthogs but it seems like everyone wants to shove e-sport type play down our throats at all times.  I'm fine with e-sports but when that is 99% of their modes it's a little ridiculous.  Hoping they add their social games back in at some point; have heard big team battle will be added later but don't know about anything else.

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what and how exactly is 343i doing it Fraser?

and how are the chances to get the R1 geo-filter working? :)


It does exclusively use dedicated servers.


There are some EU servers, however it never wants to put you on them, will always try to opt for a US server. 


Will update more officially next week

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I tested the coop mode with some friends and at the coop we get connected to the EU servers - i think they are in Ireland and Holland. But pvp is US only. This is bullshit. I think they did this intentionally because they want to please their us audience because of the mlg and all that money that is involved. conspiracy theory i know but other than that i cant believe that none of the hundreds of people that work on such title didnt notice this bullcrap. 

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It does exclusively use dedicated servers.


There are some EU servers, however it never wants to put you on them, will always try to opt for a US server. 


Will update more officially next week


Fraser when is the next firmware coming? Also H5 is unplayable to a point that is shocking. How can 343 set preferences on certain servers?

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I've posted something on the Halo twitter feed, I'll post on here if I get a reply.  For me I think I'll be calling it quits on the multiplayer and then the game once I've completed the campaign, shame as it looks fun

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It does exclusively use dedicated servers.


There are some EU servers, however it never wants to put you on them, will always try to opt for a US server. 


Will update more officially next week


thanks a lot Fraser, really looking forward to your post and the potential way you can make the R1 Halo 5 compatible :)

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