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Nat type ( xbox one )

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Hello , so i get the netduma yesterday and i've tried everything in my power , read everything and it seem like i can't have my nat type open on my xbox one , at the start it was strict but then moderate , and don't see anything else to do to have it open . 


By the way , yesterday i was having the same problem , and this morning when i turn on my xbox one , it was open ... but then i had a internet issue had to restart my modem ,  and back to strict so i open my dmz again and now its moderate again . ( is it possible that the wan ip change , because i swear the end was .15 and now its .13 )  And now when i copy/paste the ip on my dmz it work but they say that i have to associate an ip static adress to this device in the DHCP rubrique , and i don't remember it say that yesterday  , but anyways i was thinking that maybe thats why i'm still moderate .

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All players will only appear in your filter if you are playing a P2P game like Destiny, if you're playing CoD for the most part you will be put on dedicated servers so you won't see all the players. Let us know how your NAT opening goes

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Ok thanks , and what about the host ? sometimes no point are bigger than other , so i don't know who is it 


Theres no big circle? Make sure you are not zoomed in all the way, zoom out to double check.


If they are all the same size thats means you are the host :)

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The best time to tell who the host is after the game has loaded and begins it's countdown.Lots of times on the GF the circles are all the same size,usually big and can be pulsing right before it zero's in on the host.


And the dotted circle I believe is a friend you've allowed.


Lots of times you can expand your view of the world to 2.5 and see more players with whom you're connected with if you're playing on a dedi,and they are usually from a different country...Mexico,Brazil etc depending on where you live

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