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netduma lags alot

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You're not lagging because of the duma,you're lagging because AW is a broken game with low player count and a hugely fragmented player base.


Give the older COD titles a try and you'll see how well the duma preforms,but IMO AW is a lost cause

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Crossy right now it doesn't work. I have been everywhere I can find to try and get this to work, i had taken the day off excited to get this thing working. To have to post in a forum and wait for someone to pass by and answer is a slow process btw I do some networking at work so I'm not a total tool when it comes to networking. Now that the kids are home and its the weekend who knows when I or you for that matter is gonna have time to look at this. Also its just as easy to post praise threads and say I was wrong if it ever works.

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Doesnt work for me or my brother. We play AW and EVERY game is laggy, its like at halftime everything switches and i am the worst player ever. Even if i have a game that is 30-10 it still feel baaaaad. It lags horribly. i can say that the people at netduma have tried to help but unless i have a professional come to my house and see what i am talking about and then set it up i feel like it will never work.

Now i am stuck waiting on Black ops 3 to come out and if that game is the same then i will just unplug the netduma and sell it on ebay.

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You're not lagging because of the duma,you're lagging because AW is a broken game with low player count and a hugely fragmented player base.


Give the older COD titles a try and you'll see how well the duma preforms,but IMO AW is a lost cause


I agree Fuzzy.  My Duma seems to work fine with every game I have played (past CoDs, BF).  AW is a special brand of rage because those dedi's just seem to suck bullets into the "magic go nowhere ether".  


My fear is that I would stuck with them, especially the Seattle Dedi - which is almost exclusively for AW now, which is why I switched over to PS4.

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You just can't go judging the netduma by AW,ive had this router since December when it was released and back then AW was phenomenal to play,high player pool so p2p games were amazing,10 months down the line and this game is dead,if you connect to a server that you are pinging 15 ms too but other players are pinging over 100ms too it then it's inevitable that the game is gonna play damn awful,this reason and the fact that it's a shitty built game makes it impossible to find a decent game,my base ping is 11 and I get constantly destroyed on it,put in Ghosts and watch me kill everything in sight im affraid the best thing you can do is move on from AW as you won't be getting good games anymore on that shitty game

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i am on ps4 and seem to be getting put on dedi's in dallas and in atlanta and michigan. It's just random. One game i play on the dallas server and i am 30-10, my teammates suffer and back out because it is bad for them and then the next game they are 30-10 and i am suffering and want to back out. It's so unbalanced and i just wish someone would tell me if it should work on AW or if it will work on black ops 3. I'm not even going to order black ops 3 if its anything like this.

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  • Netduma Staff

Crossy right now it doesn't work. I have been everywhere I can find to try and get this to work, i had taken the day off excited to get this thing working. To have to post in a forum and wait for someone to pass by and answer is a slow process btw I do some networking at work so I'm not a total tool when it comes to networking. Now that the kids are home and its the weekend who knows when I or you for that matter is gonna have time to look at this. Also its just as easy to post praise threads and say I was wrong if it ever works.


Can you post the information in that article I linked before or not?

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 i just wish someone would tell me if it should work on AW or if it will work on black ops 3. 


AW is MOSTLY currently running on Dedi's.  On the Xbox side, there are a couple of server banks (Seattle specifically) where problems were diagnosed early by a few team members here, but people have seen results on AW on Xbox outside of the dedi's.  You said you were on PS4, and this is the first I am hearing of problems associated with that infrastructure, but maybe some of the other guys have seen it.


Will it work on Black Ops 3?


We don't know for certain, but it's foolish to think it could not be optimized the same way all past games have been.  The service has not been optimized for it at the time of the Beta so they will probably need to evaluate the released game and make an update based on that.


I played 5 days of the Beta with my NetDuma for BO3.  All five days, except for a few hours on Tuesday night, I was on the Seattle or Kansas City dedicated server on XBLive.  Wednesday wasn't bad, Thursday was unplayable and it got better with Friday's patch.  By Sunday, when I was burnt out of the game, it was playing a lot better.  I would say there is no reason the fundamentals of what the router is supposed to do (i.e. limit host from the dark side of the moon) and give you the ability to see the real line, in game ping, will work.


Will you go 50-4 with 19 caps and 33 defends?  Who knows.


But if the only game you have evaluated this router with is AW, I think you are selling the router short.  AW is a freshman offering from a new company and it hasn't been flawless by anyone's standards.


As with any testing, you need to seriously vary the population samples you are subjecting it to.  AW gives you one.  Time to add a few more and see what the data tells you.

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i agree @Benormous. I and my brother are moving on from AW and i am going to try BLack ops 2 and if that works it should give an indication if it will work on Black ops 3.


If you are trying Black Ops 2 tonight, follow @Netduma on Twitter.  I will be sending out congestion control slider settings with game proof for Black Ops 2 this evening.

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Thank you for that @dilinger. i already follow @netduma. I will check it out. I appreciate the help.

Tweeted a screen shot and my settings (82/82) tonight on BO2. Dropped in late on the boat and did some wet work.

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  • Netduma Staff

Crossy maybe I missed something but Im pretty sure the bottom portion will show my Ip but if it will make you less angry Ill post


Have you read the whole of the article that I linked? It asks for 5 pieces of information but you've only provided the first one. All I'm asking is that you post the rest of them too. Not sure what gave you the impression I'm angry - I'm actually quite a happy human and not angry at all.


Let me list them here too so that there is no more confusion.

  1. Post a screenshot of the details page on the “Internet Diagnosis”. - You've already done this.
  2. Post a screenshot of the top of the host filtering page.
  3. Post a screenshot of your Geo-filter in game.
  4. Post a screenshot of a typical ping graph (not anomaly games).
  5. Let us know your paid for upload and download bandwidth.
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Well like I had thought I had said earlier its a little hard to game with little one running around besides what kind of father would I be to game and ignore my kids. I have no idea if or why but your statement s come off as angry.

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I don't know why but I thought this was the page you originally linked me too http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=id_ping_diagnostics

That would be why I didn't get all the other stuff for you. I am Sorry.

Paid for upload is up to 12 and down is up to 120

The in game stuff is going to be difficult right now

Sorry wish I would have known earlier today

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