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When I limit bandwidth to 65% up and down on the R1 youtube is slow

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When use the congestion control settings and set them to 65 (which is what I have found works best for me when gaming) loading youtube vids is extremely slow. I know that I am supposed to set it back to 100% but sometimes I forget. Is this normal I thought that when you set the congestion control settings that it is not supposed to slow down your internet. Am I just wrong? My internet speeds are good so that is not the issue I get 20 down and 1 up. Thank you to all for reading.

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  • Netduma Staff

The congestion control will slow down your internet. In your case if it is at 65% you will only be able to use 65% of the speeds you have when it is set to 100%.


Only way to really fix this is to either increase the sliders so if you do forget it doesn't matter. Or remember to slide them back to 100% :)

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What's the rule of thumb or general idea behind lowering the congestion control?  Is there a real benefit to it?  I have a 120 down / 40 up. What should I be looking to lower the sliders by percentage wise?

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  • Administrators

What's the rule of thumb or general idea behind lowering the congestion control?  Is there a real benefit to it?  I have a 120 down / 40 up. What should I be looking to lower the sliders by percentage wise?


The idea behind lowering it is that it prevents any lag/buffering/loading etc caused by other devices in your home. For example someone downloading a torrent whilst you're lagging may cause your game to lag uncontrollably. By lowering the sliders you prevent this from happening but you can still download and play at the same time with no effect on ping etc :) 


We usually recommend 70%/70%

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