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Update ideas for the router

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It seems like I'm always having a problem with lag and lag composition. No matter what I do to the router even with all your guys help, I can't seem to fix lag composition. Is there a way we can update this router so that not only it dominates lag, but also dominates lag composition? Because most of the time, I run into a lot of gunfights and even though I'm shooting first with dead on accuracy, I'm still losing every fight. For people like me, it's very hard to understand the router terminology you guys use to fix or change the netduma, so it makes it harder for me to fix it. Which is why I think we should update the router so that it also works with lag composition. Could we make this possible?

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Pretty much will just echo what Crossy has said, this is very unlikely to be implemented. What issues are you having exactly? You mention the terminology makes it hard to understand, have you been through the Wiki to find a solution to your issues as you just follow the steps

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I have done a lot of research and testing into this, from my experience I can almost guarantee you that what is perceived as lag comp (a player being in front of you in time) is almost non noticeable on a stable host as in no fluctuations In ping. So all I am going to say is when the next update drops with the anti jitter/anti spike feature we will see a difference in games. Now this problem will always be there no matter what, by doing your part to get a low steady ping will do nothing but benefit you and this is just what this router does, the more online gaming gets serious and the more routers advance with congestion control features being the norm things can only get better but until then just ensure your connection is optimal.


Over the years I have done so many things to try and sort lag comp but after months of owning this router and looking into the ping graphs a steady host with next to no fluctuations in ping is key! :).


Oh and just to add if its AW your playing that's the problem right there! It's a completely awful game! If I for some reason decide to play that game I will always have the ping assist set to 0 and only have the geo radious snapped 3 times. Then I be patient and wait for as long as I have to that way I get a half decent game. Either way AW servers are awful.

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Thanks for the info and help guys! I think you're right about the anti jitter update, that should possibly fix the issues. Now about the lag comp idea, what you guys said sounds correct about it being called cheating. If people always had good lag comp they would never lose. And yes I play AW because my 360 isn't working correctly so I had to go back to the Xbox One

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