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How are we feeling about BO6 Hit detection?


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I have just found this post, late for me as usual, I knocked QOS (Smart Boost) off, and the difference to gameplay, is insane; I just Can't explain the difference. Its amazing, and more testing is required. I don't use Exitlag though, just knocked QOS off.

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1 hour ago, Mrbchambers said:


I have just found this post, late for me as usual, I knocked QOS (Smart Boost) off, and the difference to gameplay, is insane; I just Can't explain the difference. It’s amazing, and more testing is required. I don't use Exitlag though, just knocked QOS off.

Disabling smartboost takes away the ability to adjust conjestion.  How does your buffer bloat look now?

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@Tony @Nj12

I have QOS off, I did set up the ports for BO6 too, and have found today that I get a better game play when not filtering (I'm still testing not filtering). Haven't tried knocking QOS back on though, this could be purely coincidental.

Nj12; I am in the very fortunate position of having 2 independent ISP services in the house, and the only thing I run on one of them are my gaming systems, and there is only ever one in use at any one time. So congestion isn't an issue.


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22 minutes ago, Mrbchambers said:

@Tony @Nj12

I have QOS off, I did set up the ports for BO6 too, and have found today that I get a better game play when not filtering (I'm still testing not filtering). Haven't tried knocking QOS back on though, this could be purely coincidental.

Nj12; I am in the very fortunate position of having 2 independent ISP services in the house, and the only thing I run on one of them are my gaming systems, and there is only ever one in use at any one time. So congestion isn't an issue.


Which ports 

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4 minutes ago, PharmDawgg said:

With SmartBoost enabled try prioritizing these activities. I would also prioritize your gaming device(s) as well if you ever decide to reenable. 


If your gaming device is the only thing connected to the R3 is setting up priorities necessary?

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2 hours ago, Nj12 said:

If your gaming device is the only thing connected to the R3 is setting up priorities necessary?

If there are no other devices connected wired or wireless then no.  I game on pc so I don’t want any other process running in the background coming into play. I prefer not to take any chances. 

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@PharmDawggI will give this a go and see what happens.

Why are those settings only on the phone app, and not on the router. I don't use wifi on my Netduma, because everything I use with it is hard wired, and I have 2 routers, with one that does use wifi, so its not ideal to have both wifi signals broadcasting next to each other. 

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Qos  is really only good if your internet suffers from bad traffic example if you have loads of other devices using the internet at the same time Enabling Qos actually makes games worse .. Its been proven this .. What your are doing using qos is limiting your speeds you actally get to lower speeds you want full speeds while gaming ... The thing to keep in mind is QOS is of very limited value when you only control one end. So you can prioritize packets going outbound, but only as far as the next hop (ISP). Inbound not much you can do. Prioritizing within your LAN is feasible but I don't believe Asus QOS does anything with that, you'd need a switch with QOS features.
QOS can do more harm than good too, all it is doing is putting pseudo limitations on the connection, making some devices think there is saturation and others think it is all good. This really only works for TCP traffic, UDP not so much.
The QOS process also adds a bit of latency to process the packets.
If the latency is beyond the router, QOS will do more harm than good (even if it isn't, that's usually the case, it is only needed if you are saturating the connection with other things, like running a large file upload while gaming. If the link is not saturated, QOS will only hurt, not help). It isn't like it is going to accelerate packets beyond the speed of light or anything.


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5 hours ago, Thorkay said:

Qos  is really only good if your internet suffers from bad traffic example if you have loads of other devices using the internet at the same time Enabling Qos actually makes games worse .. Its been proven this .. What your are doing using qos is limiting your speeds you actally get to lower speeds you want full speeds while gaming ... The thing to keep in mind is QOS is of very limited value when you only control one end. So you can prioritize packets going outbound, but only as far as the next hop (ISP). Inbound not much you can do. Prioritizing within your LAN is feasible but I don't believe Asus QOS does anything with that, you'd need a switch with QOS features.
QOS can do more harm than good too, all it is doing is putting pseudo limitations on the connection, making some devices think there is saturation and others think it is all good. This really only works for TCP traffic, UDP not so much.
The QOS process also adds a bit of latency to process the packets.
If the latency is beyond the router, QOS will do more harm than good (even if it isn't, that's usually the case, it is only needed if you are saturating the connection with other things, like running a large file upload while gaming. If the link is not saturated, QOS will only hurt, not help). It isn't like it is going to accelerate packets beyond the speed of light or anything.


I currenly have QOS disabled but it seems the same for me.

Is it because I have restricted COD to use only 10mbps up and down under bandwidth reservation?

Would you suggest me to remove it and try it with QOS disabled?


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So this thread has been absolutely priceless for me.

I have disabled QOS, with only a PS5 connected to the router. No steady ping, Geofilter on. This is what I am using currently.

I have had QOS on, with my PS5, and a single Mac mini connected, this was with setting that @PharmDawggsuggested, and I have to say this worked really well for me

I would like to try this on my PC though it is being repaired, just waiting for it to come back.

There is something that I have just realised, and its pivotal (well on the PS5), and that is to make sure the Graphics, and other settings are configured for performance, this has made so much of a difference. Though on reflection, had I got the game settings right from the off, I would have missed the router settings, and wouldn't have what I think is the optimum connection settings, and game settings, which is what I have now. 

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Very interesting topic -  this last week I have seen big improvements on BLOPS 6 . Here is my set up with highlighted recent changes which I beleive have made the difference .  Playing on Xbox series X with 1gb up and 1 gb down internet connection . Based in the UK with a ping of 8-10 to London servers in game .

  • 1 gb internet suggest no QOS  required  , for me its smoother with  smart boost on and gaming prioritised .  Even though the times I play  there is almost zero activity on my Network apart from the xbox   . Sliders set to 100% UL/DL . NO BANDWIDTH RESERVATION  set in smart boost  
  • Open NAT Xbox in DMZ and no UPNP and no port forwarding  
  • GEO set to Paris Servers even though I am in the UK , in game ping 15-20 . The game changer I believe was steady ping (Expert) . I manipulate the slider until it gives me 28-30 ping in game . 

For some context I also tried steady ping on the London servers but it was hit and miss in terms of it stabilising , I would say 60% of the time it does not stabilise . Those Paris servers stabilise 100% of the time for me .  It really is very smooth right now with the above set up and I am enjoying the game with crisp hit detection and very smooth movement. Actually getting quite used the Omni movement now 

Regarding the screen -  I play on a 55inch LG  TV with very low latency and a game mode function . I keep flitting from 4K to 1440 and dolby vision but don't think I have seen any real benefits from them .  This aspect I am not too confident on so any guidance would be appreciated , I lean more towards 1440 it just seems a clear picture . Who would have thought that with a 4K option !! 

Anyway hope some of this helps somebody along the way 


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Hello everybody 😎✌️

( sorry in advance for my bad English, I’m French … 😬 ) .

So I have the QOS on because my bufferbloat is very bad without the QOS and like @BL4CK OPS V3TRN no bandwidth reservation set in the Smart Boost.

My location is Miami so I have approximately 9ms in game.

I don ‘t use steady ping but @BL4CK OPS V3TRN do you recommend to use it ? Expert mode ? 
Also I found on Reddit maybe the game changer for me.

Block on your ISP router or with the Windows Host files this adress


This is the « force on demande texture streaming » ( I’m on PC ) and you can do it also on Console.

It was so good with that yesterday, for the first time Black Ops 6 was so smooth ! 
No packet burst, no desynch, no lag and the hit registration was perfect ! 
Maybe it was a pure chance 🤷🏻‍♂️ but you need to give a try !

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1 hour ago, Tony said:

Hello everybody 😎✌️

( sorry in advance for my bad English, I’m French … 😬 ) .

So I have the QOS on because my bufferbloat is very bad without the QOS and like @BL4CK OPS V3TRN no bandwidth reservation set in the Smart Boost.

My location is Miami so I have approximately 9ms in game.

I don ‘t use steady ping but @BL4CK OPS V3TRN do you recommend to use it ? Expert mode ? 
Also I found on Reddit maybe the game changer for me.

Block on your ISP router or with the Windows Host files this adress


This is the « force on demande texture streaming » ( I’m on PC ) and you can do it also on Console.

It was so good with that yesterday, for the first time Black Ops 6 was so smooth ! 
No packet burst, no desynch, no lag and the hit registration was perfect ! 
Maybe it was a pure chance 🤷🏻‍♂️ but you need to give a try !

Hello Tony,

Sorry but can you explain a little bit more of this adress to Block and show how to do it pls ?

I don't know how to do it.

I'm French too by the way 😁👌

Other Question : why are you located in miami ? With VPN ?

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Salut @De4d SaVi0r comment va tu ? 
Je suis localisé à Miami car j’habite juste à côté ! 😬

Alors en faite maintenant le jeu ( depuis MW3 je crois ) te force à activer le téléchargement journalier des textures de jeu ! 
Tu dois le voir dans les options graphique du jeu.

Tu vois où es l’option ? 

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4 hours ago, BL4CK OPS V3TRN said:

 I also tried steady ping on the London servers but it was hit and miss in terms of it stabilising , I would say 60% of the time it does not stabilise . Those Paris servers stabilise 100% of the time for me .  It really is very smooth right now with the above set up and I am enjoying the game with crisp hit detection and very smooth movement. Actually getting quite used the Omni movement now 

@BL4CK OPS V3TRNI am going to have to give that a try, sounds really promising. As I too am in the UK, and normally play on the London server.

There is so much useful stuff in this stream, anyone else playing BO6 and owning a Netduma router should be interested in this info. It has been game changing for me.

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2 hours ago, Tony said:

Hello everybody 😎✌️

( sorry in advance for my bad English, I’m French … 😬 ) .

So I have the QOS on because my bufferbloat is very bad without the QOS and like @BL4CK OPS V3TRN no bandwidth reservation set in the Smart Boost.

My location is Miami so I have approximately 9ms in game.

I don ‘t use steady ping but @BL4CK OPS V3TRN do you recommend to use it ? Expert mode ? 
Also I found on Reddit maybe the game changer for me.

Block on your ISP router or with the Windows Host files this adress


This is the « force on demande texture streaming » ( I’m on PC ) and you can do it also on Console.

It was so good with that yesterday, for the first time Black Ops 6 was so smooth ! 
No packet burst, no desynch, no lag and the hit registration was perfect ! 
Maybe it was a pure chance 🤷🏻‍♂️ but you need to give a try !

yes certainly try steady  ping in expert mode ,  start at at the lowest level and see how you go . I kept adjusting upwards until I reached  what I consider my sweet spot .  Keep an eye on your ping in game I have it set to display top left of the screen ,  that's the one to follow as you adjust you can actually see it changing in game  live as you adjust  . 

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3 hours ago, Tony said:

Salut @De4d SaVi0r comment va tu ? 
Je suis localisé à Miami car j’habite juste à côté ! 😬

Alors en faite maintenant le jeu ( depuis MW3 je crois ) te force à activer le téléchargement journalier des textures de jeu ! 
Tu dois le voir dans les options graphique du jeu.

Tu vois où es l’option ? 

Ah ouai stylé @Tony.

Oui je vois tout à fait l'option et du coup, pourrais-tu envoyer des screens de la manipulation à faire pour bloquer cette adresse ?

Ça aidera tout le monde en plus je pense.

Merci à toi.

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2 hours ago, BL4CK OPS V3TRN said:

yes certainly try steady  ping in expert mode ,  start at at the lowest level and see how you go . I kept adjusting upwards until I reached  what I consider my sweet spot .  Keep an eye on your ping in game I have it set to display top left of the screen ,  that's the one to follow as you adjust you can actually see it changing in game  live as you adjust  . 


Have a question : is it possible to change/adjust the steady ping expert mode in real time when playing ? Or you must everytime quit the game, adjust the ping and restart... ?


Thanks to you

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