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I BEEN having this ISSUES . I dont know WHY You guys removed the old featured LIKE the R1 had. where i was able to give EACH device in my house the amount of bandwidth i wanted them to have, which it was PERFECT for my household, since theres so many equitments at my house.  A short example R1: I have a dual pc setup i use to give my gaming PC =5Mbps & Streaming PC = 40Mbps . My girl PC= 300Mbps . PS4/PS5 = 100Mbps each . Others PC's range from = 100Mbps - 150Mbps with the SHARING BANDWIDTH OPTION TURN OFF. I left other devices out the list since theres so many to type like cellphones tables, ipods, nintendo switch, laptops ect ect. My POINT is that this was PERFECT because when i gave my gaming pc only 5Mbps it DIDNT affected other people downloads or uploads at my house because i gave them their own bandwidth. I DONT know why theres NOT an option similar to this featured on the R3. smartboost doesnt help with this in anyway! theres no way to assign banwidth to seperate devices! congestion control DOESNT HELP with this issue! With the R3 if i change my fiber speed the entire network changes at my house. its frustrating. might go back to the R1 but they dont even support it anymore with new updates. i believe the last update was like 3 years ago! SHAME for the day one people who cant afford a NEW router! 

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Are you talking about bandwidth reservation? The R3 has this feature in smart boost. When in smart boost click the 3 dots at the top right and go into your profile. Then click on the 3 lines at the top right and go into bandwidth reservation. I hope this helps.

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I think he's talking about the Flower offered on DumaOS 3.0 and earlier, with the disabling of total bandwidth sharing per device. This feature is not present on DumaOS 4.0 because the new QoS engine (SmartBoost), does it instinctively! But indeed, it is still possible to reserve a minimum bandwidth for each device/app but not an absolute bandwidth/device!

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As Fuzy mentioned it does this automatically and you can reserve bandwidth but it's not a hard limit. Your issue is something Congestion Control was designed to prevent happening so if that's not happening it's not because of a missing feature. What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode. Are ALL devices connected to the R3? How do you have Congestion Control set?

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Fiber modern connected to the R3 ( i dont know the name of it). it has nothing to do with congestion control. ( its not my issue here) I want to be able to give each device in my house the amount of bandwidth I want individually without sharing the bandwidth option just like the R1 has it. (Simple). I don't want to reserve bandwidth for individually devices. Ok let me ask you this. I have 1GB fiber internet plan. every one at my house is connected to the R3. lets say, I do a speed at ( speedtest.net ) and both my upload and download speeds are around 950Mbps each. But inside the R3 speed test option I ONLY set the upload and download speed to 1Mbps each. Them I reserved bandwidth to all the devices at my house (except me) with 40Mpbs ( which I don't know why it's being capped at 40Mbps) for every single one of them. Now my question is: Will the SLOW Upload & Download speeds of 1Mpbs I setup on the speed test option inside the R3 going to ruined all the devices at my house with their downloads and uploads speed.? @Netduma Fraser

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The lag issue you're having should be prevented with Congestion Control - that is literally it's purpose to prevent the exact situation you're experiencing. There isn't an option to not share bandwidth. 

I don't follow, if you tell the router you have 1Mbps download/upload you wouldn't be able to reserve that much bandwidth to devices but if you tell the router that is the speed you're getting that is the speed that will be used so yes everyone would have a terrible time.

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You want the bandwidth sharing excess feature so every device gets only what you allocate. That's worked for you with the issue you had previously but what I'm saying is Congestion Control by design eliminates the issue where lots of devices are being used and cause each other to lag, buffer etc so if we get that fine tuned it can resolve your issue and we can potentially look at adding the share excess disabled feature at a later date.

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