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Force NAT Type strict on COD

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Hi, I connect to a XR500 with my PS5 in order to use functions like geofilter or hybridvpn on cod. When I do, im always in a moderate nat type on the game. I know that most of the time people want to get an open nat type but I want to try it the other way around and force a strict nat type only on the game (the strict mode is always activated on the geofence page but it doesnt seem to make a difference). Do you think it would be possible using DumaOS by any chance ? 

Thank you in advance

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Strict Mode on the Geo-Filter doesn't relate to NAT type. There is no setting specifically to make yourself have a strict NAT. Perhaps if you turned off UPnP and don't use port forwarding/DMZ but as you're using the VPN it may not make a difference anyway

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