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Nat problem with geofilter


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Hello, I vote contact because I noticed a problem (which I already had on netduma R2) when I activate geofilter I switch to nat not available and when I deactivate I go back to nat open. On my internet operator it's in dmz, is there anything I'm doing wrong? Or is it just a bug known to the developers? Sincerely Julien

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1 hour ago, julienFR said:

Too strong boys your solution worked, on the other hand the server concerned has a wild ping how does it do 250ms?

  • Disable GeoLatency
  • Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0)
  • Enable Strict Mode
  • Disable Fast Search

Then restart game or wait 10 minutes (in the lobby in the game). If that doesn't work, reboot PC/Console and it should work better then.

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1 hour ago, Damiano Calafiore said:

@Netduma Fraserse disabilito la geolatenza su xbox,si chiude il nat ,oppure certe impostazioni non vanno!!

Disabling the Geo-Filter wouldn't affect the NAT Type at all, if anything it would do the opposite, what other issues are you seeing when disabling?

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Ho provato a disattivarlo e poi accendere il dispositivo dopo 10 ,minuti ,su impostazioni di rete di xbox,il nat continua a caricare ,il test di xbox non funziona,i geofiltri rilevano con difficoltà i server disegnati ,è capitato pure che si chiudesse l app del gioco ,disattivando noto un peggioramento !!

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