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You know that NETDUMA really works when...


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When the hit marker X corresponds to the audible click.


When you know you have an early start in the morning but you think "I will just have one more match I am on a roll"



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when you know its time to go to sleep and you say to yourself ok last one and then few h latter you are like where did the time go 

when you can kill 3 4 people whit one klip cose it takes 3 bullets to kill

when you can win a 3 to 1 gun fight whit a small scratch 

when i get moments when you catch people still running when you shoot at them this never hapend to me when i woes  on normal net

when even whit skill based match making you are not rageing

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you know i actually search Ebay every day to see if one of our routers is up for sale... 


I'm genuinely surprised no one tried to price gouge one during initial offerings. Thats a great 'review' for the product in and of itself.

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When you fire up AW and the first thought that goes thru your head isn't "how bad is the lag gonna be tonight" and while your playing you think "yea i should have died right there,i got out played"

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