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Geofilter Compatibility Issue with Netduma's Hybrid VPN: A Call for Resolution


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I would like to report an issue I've encountered while using the Netduma R2 and the Geofilter function. As you know, the Geofilter allows you to limit your connection to servers located in a specific geographic area, and it is an essential function that led me to purchase the device.

However, I have found that the Geofilter only works when the connection comes directly from the home router, and it is not compatible with the Hybrid VPN, another function of the Netduma. As a result, it is not possible to use the Geofilter when connected via Hybrid VPN.

I live in Peru and have two nearby servers: Brazil, which has a ping of 90ms, and Santiago, Chile, due to the poor infrastructure of South America, the ping to Santiago is 170ms without VPN, while with VPN, the ping is only 30/35ms. Naturally, I would like to connect to Santiago.

I have found that when I try to connect to Santiago via Hybrid VPN, Call Of Duty redirects me to the server in Brazil, which has an unplayable in-game ping of 100ms. This happens because the Santiago servers are often full or too small, so COD connects me to the Brazil server as an alternative. Instead, if I force Santiago via the Geofilter without using Hybrid VPN, I can play on Santiago, but the ping is 170ms, which once again makes the connection unplayable.

The only way to have a 30ms ping would be to connect to Santiago via Hybrid VPN + Geofilter. Unfortunately, since the Hybrid VPN is not compatible with the Geofilter, I cannot force the connection to Santiago with the Geofilter + HybridVPN.

It would be very helpful if the Geofilter worked in conjunction with the Hybrid VPN, so that I can connect to Santiago via Hybrid VPN and then force the connection to Santiago with the Geofilter. I hope that Netduma developers will resolve this issue in the future.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to any suggestions on how to resolve this problem.

I understand that adjusting the ping assist to exclude Brazil is a suggested solution, but I have already tried this and unfortunately it does not work for me. The game still finds a match in Brazil.

I still strongly believe that implementing Geofilter compatibility with Hybrid VPN is the best solution for players like me who need to use both features. I hope that the team will reconsider this implementation and prioritize it in future updates, as it would greatly improve the user experience for those of us who play from regions with limited server options.


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On 2/24/2023 at 9:22 AM, Netduma Liam said:

HybridVPN should work just fine in conjunction with Geo-filter. What firmware version are you currently running on your R2? While connected via the VPN, have you confirmed that it's showing your IP location as being in Chile?

Thank you for your response. I apologize for my mistake regarding the compatibility of the Geofilter with HybridVPN on the Netduma R2. I was mistaken in assuming that it was not possible to use both features together.

I have checked the firmware version of my R2, and it is up to date. I have also confirmed that my IP location is showing as being in Chile while connected via the VPN.

However, I still believe that it would be helpful to implement the Ping heat map for HybridVPN as well. This would allow users to see real-time Ping values under VPN connections. Additionally, I had encountered the issue of finding matches outside of Chile when using HybridVPN + Geofilter forcing on Chile, which led me to believe that the compatibility was not working as intended.

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16 hours ago, JoshTheLuz said:

Thank you for your response. I apologize for my mistake regarding the compatibility of the Geofilter with HybridVPN on the Netduma R2. I was mistaken in assuming that it was not possible to use both features together.

I have checked the firmware version of my R2, and it is up to date. I have also confirmed that my IP location is showing as being in Chile while connected via the VPN.

However, I still believe that it would be helpful to implement the Ping heat map for HybridVPN as well. This would allow users to see real-time Ping values under VPN connections. Additionally, I had encountered the issue of finding matches outside of Chile when using HybridVPN + Geofilter forcing on Chile, which led me to believe that the compatibility was not working as intended.

OK, so you'd like to see the Ping values shown in Ping Heatmap to be reflective of what your ping will be through the VPN? I'll add it to the roadmap, thanks!

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56 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

OK, so you'd like to see the Ping values shown in Ping Heatmap to be reflective of what your ping will be through the VPN? I'll add it to the roadmap, thanks!

Many users would like to see the feature of Ping Heatmap updated to reflect the ping values through the VPN, and I am one of them. It would be very helpful if the Ping Heatmap could show real-time ping values under HybridVPN connections, so that we can understand the impact of the VPN on latency.
It would be ideal if this feature could be implemented with a dropdown menu that allows users to switch between viewing ping values with and without the VPN

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