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No games found on ps4 advanced warfare


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I have it occasionally and shut down everything, reboot the router and then it seems to solve the problem

. Last night I was finding 12-18 games to join instead of the usual 2 or 3 but they all played like garbage. I mean really bad, I am an old fart but a steady 1.04 KDR player on my games of choice. Over 2 hours last night I struggled to go 0.3.

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bager Im older than you lol... I was struggling last night... I just think something is going on.. all I can get in was TDM no other games were found.

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something is going on alright , getting some really strange lobby mixes and starting to see quite a lot of guys wearing ranked play kit when I can find games. when I can't, resetting does help luckily

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AW is all messed up, Not only did I have horrible games last night I got some x2 XP at the same time as my mate who I was gaming with. Half way through the next game my screen went blank and I ended up back at the main menu. My friend was still in the lobby and my x2 XP time had not gone down at all. (No I wasn't kicked for team killing in case you were wondering lol)

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Hey gents. Vincent aka Peacemaker on Twitter who is in the PS4 posted that he has changed his Cloud settings and this helped him find games. Whitelist 16 / Game Server 6 / Map 16 and this worked for him.

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Whatever happened to you may be straightened out now Danny.  I just tried with my geo set at 900 miles, strict on, and found a game immediately.

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I was able to get on (for testing purposes) this afternoon, but... I have my home location in Kansas, even though I am on the East Coast.


So, perhaps moving your home location might help until they get this sorted out?

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