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Geographical Region not matching with VPN Configuration


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I've been using the Netduma R2 for over a year now, with manual uploaded VPN configuration under the Hybrid VPN option in the Netdruma R2 router and my Geograpical Region is not matching in-game with the config I uploaded. This started since 20-04-2022 as it was working fine on 19-04-2022. I was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same since then?

What I've tried:
Re-uploaded the manual Express VPN configuration in the Netduma R2 (India via UK) - Did not work
Manually tested the Express VPN on my PC to see any difference - Location was correct on my PC
Contacted Express VPN support to see if they know of any bugs or issues - They replied (obviously) that his is not something they have been testing before, as in using a VPN to divert your location on a Console and could not help me with it.

And before you start on "Why do you VPN your console / Warzone game in the first place" simply because I can and want to, but that is not the point of this Topic now is it :)

Hope anyone can advise or help in this and if you need more information please let me know what you want to know or see.



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You're on quite an old version so first thing to do would be to upgrade: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/38047-new-r2-firmware-30394/ then once complete (~5 minutes), do a factory reset, wait 2 minutes then setup and see if it works as it did before. It's worth noting as well that the console should be off before you apply the VPN, if you do so after it is already on that may be why you're encountering the issue.

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  On 4/21/2022 at 7:17 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

You're on quite an old version so first thing to do would be to upgrade: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/38047-new-r2-firmware-30394/ then once complete (~5 minutes), do a factory reset, wait 2 minutes then setup and see if it works as it did before. It's worth noting as well that the console should be off before you apply the VPN, if you do so after it is already on that may be why you're encountering the issue.


I was wondering and doubting my version indeed. I will see if I can upgrade it and try again.
To answer your console being off while applying the VPN, yes I always boot up my PC and enable the VPN, then wait 2 min and boot my console. After I am done playing I turn off my console and disable the VPN.

I was more curious if "something" has changed overnight in either the VPN, Netduma or even Warzone making adjustment.. the last one we will probably never know..
Will come back to this when the upgrade is done and tried it again.

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  On 4/21/2022 at 7:35 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

There wouldn't be anything we have changed, could be on the game side perhaps, let us know how you get on.


Well I've updated to the firmware you advised, had some trouble connecting my ISP router and Netduma, and even forgot my username so took a while lol.
But I again added the VPN as I did in the screenshot I send earlier, waited 2 min, then booted my console and open Warzone and it still give me the Geographical Region of London, England, GB instead of the actual location in the config :(

Any other advises? I read this thread 

 but as you mentioned there as well, it would not matter if you specify the ports or let the console use all ports right?

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Yes that's right, just to double check though could you try this guide that was posted in that topic? 


If that doesn't work can you apply it to your PC, restart the PC then check the IP and location has changed?

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Soo I have returned, was offline the weekends, but I was curious if this behaviour would happen if I try a different configuration from a different country, turns out that works just fine. Geograpical Region matches the one I uploaded.. So I guess the particular config, which is a location via another country (India via UK) is not working properly or CoD is not registering it anymore as a via via location, if that makes sense.

Now I am probably going to try the other topic, to see if I can bring it back, but it was interesting enough to see that it is not entirely broken.. 

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Soooo I am back.. took a while because for some reason my Netduma was not connecting to me ISP router anymore, had to reset everything :).
Anyway, I followed the instructions and added the ports as per screenshot shows and also was shown on the forum you linked, but unfortunately it still tells me the geographical location is "London" so I am now assuming that either the config is not working correctly, or that CoD has banned this particular VPN server address as you stated. 

I will try some different configs and different locations, but I don't believe I will ever get lobbies with around 50-80 ping anymore, seeing it was a benefit that it was routed trough the UK seeing I am located myself in the Netherlands..

If anyone else runs into this and has any ideas, feel free to share..


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If the ports necessary for the location detection are covered then there shouldn't be any reason it doesn't work unless they've blocked on the game side. Does it work if you select the console as a whole?

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  On 4/25/2022 at 7:25 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

If the ports necessary for the location detection are covered then there shouldn't be any reason it doesn't work unless they've blocked on the game side. Does it work if you select the console as a whole?


No it does not work when using / selecting the console as a whole. So I am nearly 100% sure it is on the game side.. 
I spoke to a friend today and he told me someone else got it fixed, I will see if I can get the info from him and post it here

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  • 2 weeks later...

I resolved it!

After searching in the forums again I stumbled onto another topic which is: 

And basically I removed all the TCP - Source Ports except for the following:

TCP - Source Port (1:65535) Destination Port (3074:3074)
TCP - Source Port (1:65535) Destination Port (443:433)

These are not actually Warzone TCP ports, but for some reason this works for me..

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