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Nothing but issues since fttp install on xr500

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OMG since my upgrade of connection I have had nothing but issues over and over, first no R-App works just does not load, I restart rooter and I get access to it for 5 minutes and thats it, but not only that a restart makes me have to go to setup and test connection before I even regain internet access, latest firmware and its so frustrating that I have bit the bullet and disconnected the thing and plugged in the bthome hub again as that has no such issues.

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Sorry to hear this!

Have you only been experiencing this since installing FTTP?

We do have a fix for the Rapps not loading issue that we've been trialling on R2 firmware, we'll hopefully be able to transfer that over to the XR range soon too so that should fix that issue for you.

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yep it has only been an issue since move to fttp, its frustrating, especially as I am in middle of doing hass setup to, hence why I just replugged the other router back in. (sorry for late reply been so busy at work).

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No worries, when you reboot it do you unplug the power? If so don't do that as that's most likely causing you to have to resetup each time, reboot from the interface and this will save your settings. What version are you on specifically? If you take a look at the System Information page it will show you. Also on this page on the Rapp panel options :menu change the number of retries to 5 then reboot the router and wait 2 minutes before you attempt to access it. 

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