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Match Destiny 2 Brazil


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Hello Everything is fine? Is there any way we can limit the search area? In my searches, even with the circle, only in my country and state, I have caught many foreigners from all over the world.

Ola, tudo bem @Netduma Admin? Existe algum meio de limitarmos a area de busca? Em minhas buscas, mesmo com o circulo, somente no meu país e Estado, tenho pego muitos estrangeiros de varias partes do mundo.

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there has been a way to force matchamking between two teams and ive been doing it for a while but i dont know if it goes against netduma terms of use or not , but its dfntly called a cheese in destiny 2 or ghost lobbies lool i been doing it just for friends since trials is hard af

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I'm going to lock this thread as it's not relevant to DumaOS and could be considered cheating.

There may be a separate place to discuss these sorts of topic but it's not here on the forum I'm afraid.

Any users promoting this kind of service or requesting DMs for this type of discussion risks losing the access to direct messaging on our forum and may be banned.

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