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Internet keeps dying on router


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8 hours ago, karthik said:

Hello, I have been elevating my router, and I am still having the internet die on me. Only solution is to reset the router.

Thanks for letting us know, did the time between disconnections increase at all? We've had another user report that while the issue still occurs, the  time in-between disconnections is greatly increased.


3 hours ago, Brian L said:

I’m experiencing the exact same issues. Internet just drops. It’s a brand new R2 I set it up yesterday. It’s happens twice in the same day.

Could you please create a new topic for this issue so we can focus specifically on this?

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ciao, ho acquistato R2 il primo giorno. Ho installato R2 3.0.205.
connesso a sky modem SR203 set ip statico su R2 dmz su SR203 escluso wifi.
Spesso R2 va in crash la pagina non è più accessibile e la navigazione non è più possibile fino al riavvio e negli ultimi tempi il problema si è aggravato.
Supponendo il caldo, ho inserito una ventola sotto il router per rinfrescarlo ma poco è cambiato anzi diventa sempre più frequente.

Non so cosa fare, ma eliminarlo e spero che non sia un problema hardware.


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24 minutes ago, gando70 said:

ciao, ho acquistato R2 il primo giorno. Ho installato R2 3.0.205.
connesso a sky modem SR203 set ip statico su R2 dmz su SR203 escluso wifi.
Spesso R2 va in crash la pagina non è più accessibile e la navigazione non è più possibile fino al riavvio e negli ultimi tempi il problema si è aggravato.
Supponendo il caldo, ho inserito una ventola sotto il router per rinfrescarlo ma poco è cambiato anzi diventa sempre più frequente.

Non so cosa fare, ma eliminarlo e spero che non sia un problema hardware.


Potresti per favore creare un nuovo argomento in modo che possiamo concentrarci sul tuo problema in particolare? Si prega di includere quanti più dettagli possibili, nonché quanto segue:

  • Riesci ad accedere all'interfaccia di dumaOS quando la connessione cade?
  • Sono interessati TUTTI i dispositivi, sia cablati che wireless?
  • Quanto dura approssimativamente la connessione tra le gocce?
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3 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

Thanks for letting us know, did the time between disconnections increase at all? We've had another user report that while the issue still occurs, the  time in-between disconnections is greatly increased.


Could you please create a new topic for this issue so we can focus specifically on this?

I would say the time is inconsistent. The crashes seem to happen at random

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17 minutes ago, karthik said:

I would say the time is inconsistent. The crashes seem to happen at random

Right OK, looks like the issue isn't directly heat related. I noticed you mention earlier in the thread you've also spotted another error, have you seen that since? If so, can you recall what it says? We're currently investigating a different issue and we're curious as to whether the two are related.

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17 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

Right OK, looks like the issue isn't directly heat related. I noticed you mention earlier in the thread you've also spotted another error, have you seen that since? If so, can you recall what it says? We're currently investigating a different issue and we're curious as to whether the two are related.

I don’t recall the other error, and I haven’t seen it in a while. That error is usually there when my router crashes and I try to access the net duma portal. 

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6 minutes ago, karthik said:

I don’t recall the other error, and I haven’t seen it in a while. That error is usually there when my router crashes and I try to access the net duma portal. 

Do you have a dynamic public IP or a static one do you know? Disable IPv6 in LAN/WAN settings and see if it is improved

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I think you have dynamic based on your IP changes, could you contact the ISP and see if they can extend your lease time? That would prevent the IP changing as often and hopefully keep the R2 online

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