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Netduma Not Connecting to Internet After Restart


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On v.3.0.179

Restarted my modem and router and now Netduma will not connect to the Internet.

I connected wired to modem, and internet is working fine. Did a factory reset on Netduma and still no internet through router. I am unable to connect to Wifi at all. When trying to do wired setup @, it can't connect to the internet.

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Reconnect to the WiFi using the password conversion method here: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000117883-i-ve-received-the-r2-but-the-wifi-password-doesn-t-work then see if that allows you access so you can complete the setup wizard and get internet.

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13 hours ago, DukeZ said:

Was able to connect via wifi on my laptop, but still couldn't detect an internet connection when trying to setup. 

If you skip this step then reboot after you've made it through to the Dashboard, you should then get a connection after that.

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