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17 hours ago, Tmtmulisha said:

When setting qos it says app took to long and try again in a minute then just keeps recycling. I have factory reset but did not working.

Sorry to hear that!

Is this during the Auto-setup? Could you perhaps provide a screenshot of what you're seeing?

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I first noticed it when I was trying to find the right setting then I asked you about what was better traffic prioritization or setting share excess. I clicked it off and it wouldn’t go back on. But disabling it let me turn it back on. Thank you for all you guys do your amazing!!!

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They're coming from all the devices you have connected, I don't believe it is anything to worry about but could indicate they're unable to connect to WiFi correctly, so you may need to try reconnecting them by forgetting the WiFi network on each device then typing in the password again.

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