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QoS?! Whats going on....

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I am curious why my QoS is not really working or splitting the network to just one device more than others?

My router settings are below - Ash Gaming PC is my GF PC and Daves Gaming PC is mine. Both set for priority... Both on the exact same server in the exact same game on call of duty at the exact same time.

SO surely shouldn't this be spread evenly? Instead i am lagging and she is not... I am shooting first dying first and she is not


Wondering why it is doing this


Also today for some reason again my NAT TYPE was moderate when normally it is Open i have UPNP on and Ports open.

Screenshots below are all taken as we are dropping into Warzone from the plane.




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70% makes me have large ping issues, I don't think the issue is with the Download side of things, as online gaming uses mainly Upload. But why is the Upload not being evenly distributed when both devices are set as priority if you get me.



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What is your exact physical setup? - what is the model of the modem/router the XR is connected to? Are ALL devices connected to the XR?

Does DumaOS Classified Games activate when you're both playing? If so remove the manual rules and see whether it is any better.

Also in WAN Settings switch NAT to Open.

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So i found the issue, it had turned out that my router had auto-updated and for some reason changed its IP address, this IP then wasnt in the DMZ of my BT router. So the QoS was not working. Changing this IP back to DMZ and QoS is working again.

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1 hour ago, davemarsden132 said:

So i found the issue, it had turned out that my router had auto-updated and for some reason changed its IP address, this IP then wasnt in the DMZ of my BT router. So the QoS was not working. Changing this IP back to DMZ and QoS is working again.

Great! Good work, let us know if you need anything else.

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